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Postcards to AZ

Exposición /
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07 jun de 2016 - 22 jul de 2016

07 jun de 2016 / 18:00

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Bienvenu Steinberg & Partner (ex-Josée Bienvenu Gallery)

Artistas participantes:
Martí Cormand
Grafito  Oleo  Pintura 


Descripción de la Exposición

Josée Bienvenu presents "Postcards to AZ", a solo exhibition by Spanish born, American artist Martí Cormand. This new series of 7 x 5 inch oil paintings and graphite drawings exist as symbolic excavations and distant iterations of lost masterworks during the Nazi regime, challenging not only the notion of remembrance but also the materiality of history. Arranged in a museological display, qualities of transparency, density, light, shadow, and extreme precision are applied to either bring the works to a point of self-consciousness, or to articulate the oblivion of the subjects. Cormand's work attests to the coalescence of time, or rather, of an intangible past that can only be grasped in the present through intuition. According to the artist, our present reaffirms the concept of an "eternal return," the idea that our existence is cyclical in nature instead of linear. These images also become a byproduct of entangled temporality in cyberspace, where Cormand often derives his source material. Born in Barcelona in 1970, Martí Cormand lives and works in New York. Select exhibitions include: Martí Cormand, Galería Cayón, Madrid (2014); "Formalizing Their Concept" Galería Casado Santapau, Madrid, (2014); Formalizing their concept, Josée Bienvenu Gallery, NY (2013); Algo de esto, Jugada a 3 bandas (Ja3b), Galeria etHall, Barcelona (2013); False Documents and Other Illustrations, Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine (2010 - 2011); Arranz-Bravo Foundation, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona (2010); Galerie Lelong, New York (2010); Aldrich Emerging Artist Award Show, Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT (2007); Villa Arson, Nice (2006).

Imágenes de la Exposición
Marti Cormand, Postcards to AZ, installation view, 2016

Entrada actualizada el el 31 ago de 2016

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