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Por um fio (By a thread)

Exposición / SCAD Museum of Art / 601 Turner Blvd. / Savannah, Georgia, Estados Unidos
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04 feb de 2020 - 09 ago de 2020

04 feb de 2020

Comisariada por:
Humberto Moro

Organizada por:
SCAD Museum of Art for Fine Art

Artistas participantes:
Anna María Maiolino

Artes gráficas  Artes gráficas en Georgia  Cine  Cine en Georgia  Dibujo  Dibujo en Georgia  Escultura  Escultura en Georgia  Instalación  Instalación en Georgia  Performance 


Descripción de la Exposición

The SCAD Museum of Art presents a major survey exhibition of work by Anna Maria Maiolino, a renowned São Paulo-based artist. Maiolino’s life path informs much of her work. The Italian-born artist emigrated to the U.S. and Venezuela before ultimately establishing herself in Brazil, where she has become one of the most significant and accomplished artists in the country. Maiolino works in various mediums including drawing, printmaking, poetry, film, performance, installation, and sculpture. In her artistic practice, seemingly simple, primal gestures, such as drawing erratic lines or forming balls of clay, become complex and articulated meditations on the power of actions. Her artworks are organic and poetic, masterfully delving into the acts of creation and destruction to reveal elements of intimacy and domesticity. Por um fio (By a Thread) presents a wide range of the artist’s works from 1972 to the present, including a specially commissioned large-scale work from her acclaimed series Terra Modelada. Taking its title from a photographic work from 1976 that depicts the artist, her mother, and her daughter literally joined by a thread, the exhibition highlights both formal and conceptual notions of interconnectedness in a deliberate attempt to emphasize humanity, empathy, nourishment, and deprivation as integral elements of her practice. The exhibition is presented as part of SCAD deFINE ART 2020, the university’s annual program of exhibitions, lectures, and performances held Feb. 18–20 at locations in Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia. ABOUT THE ARTIST Since 1964, Maiolino’s work has been presented in numerous solo exhibitions in Italy, Switzerland, the U.S., the U.K., France, Cyprus, and Portugal, among many other countries. Recent exhibitions include Making Love Revolutionary at Whitechapel Gallery, London; Anna Maria Maiolino at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; and O AMOR SE FAZ REVOLUCIONÁRIO at PAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy.

Entrada actualizada el el 14 mar de 2020

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