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Pops i bous, Miriam Colognesi

Exposición / Baubo Galeria de Artes Contemporanies / Passeig Prat de la Riba 97 / El Masnou, Barcelona, España
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04 may de 2024 - 26 may de 2024

04 may de 2024 / 18

De Jueves a Sabado 17/20

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Baubo • Galeria d’Arts Contemporànies

Artistas participantes:
Miriam Colognesi


Correo electrónico
Animales  Animales en Barcelona  Artes gráficas  Artes gráficas en Barcelona  Diseño  Diseño en Barcelona  Diseño Gráfico  Diseño Gráfico en Barcelona  Mitologia  Mitologia en Barcelona  Pintura 


Descripción de la Exposición

Miriam Colognesi presents us with this project which is very different, apparently, from her previous works. Suddenly a glimpse of light, an impulse to be dazzled by the color, and the hand follows harmonious lines which, as in a trance, end in sinuous shapes or edges. It’s scary when someone suddenly changes, even in the case of an artist. The gallery owners are afraid, the critics are afraid. Artists must reproduce themselves in their “objects” without changing too much. Here then Pops i Bous, bulls and octopuses, design a space of reflection into which Miriam Colognesi enters serendipitously without prejudices and preconceived models, finding herself almost by chance in the arena where the challenge between the hard and the soft, the angular and the enveloping, the earth and the water, the bull and the octopus, with their specific sensualities happens. Miriam finds herself having to tame these phantasmagorias emerging from the depths, sometimes dangerous figures, revealing impulsive dimensions, and she does so by hooking them to the known, to proverbs, to clichés, to known mythology which in itself is a form of control of the irrational. Seduced and enchanted by the fluid gesture of the artist, POPS i BOUS (octopuses and bulls) finally allow themselves to be captured. They look at us with their large hallucinated and happy eyes, captured by the symbolic nets that the artist has placed over their passage, now they move amused on the walls of the gallery.

Imágenes de la Exposición

Entrada actualizada el el 24 may de 2024

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