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Photobook Award EI 2022

Premios / Dotación:

1º Premio 750 euros y exposición colectiva
2º Premio 500 euros y exposición colectiva
3º Premio 250 euros y exposición colectiva

28 mar de 2022 - 21 may de 2022

Braga, Portugal

Cerrada desde 21-05-2022

Dirigido a:

Organizada por:
Encontros da Imagem

Miembros del jurado:
Ana Catarina Pinho, Olmo González Moriana, Rui Ribeiral

Fotografía  Fotografía en Braga  Fotolibro  Fotolibro en Braga 


Descripción del Premio

No seguimento da 32ª edição dos Encontros da Imagem - Festival Internacional de Fotografia e Artes Visuais, anunciamos que estão abertas as candidaturas para o Photobook Award EI 2022. A open call estará em vigor até dia 15 de maio de 2022. O photobook, ou livro fotográfico, tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais relevância dentro do mundo da fotografia como um veículo inerentemente eficiente e cativante na arte de recolher e narrar histórias. Assim, os Encontros da Imagem propõem-se a ser um canal para a mostra e exposição dos mesmos, num evento totalmente dedicado a esse efeito. Os melhores livros farão parte de uma exposição coletiva que estará patente em Braga durante o período do festival. A open call está aberta a todos os artistas, profissionais ou amadores, nacionais e internacionais, sendo que as candidaturas podem ser a título individual ou como coletivo. Este ano, em conformidade com o que aconteceu no ano anterior, serão atribuídos três prémios monetários, a atribuir entre os livros finalistas: Vencedor: 750€ e participação numa exposição coletiva de livros de fotografia nesta edição do festival; 2º Prémio: 500€ e participação numa exposição coletiva de livros de fotografia nesta edição do festival; 3º Prémio: 250€ e participação numa exposição coletiva de livros de fotografia nesta edição do festival; -------------------------------------------- Terms and conditions 1. RECIPIENTS The Open Call for the Photobook Award EI 2022, is open to all artists, professional or amateur, nacional or internacional over 18 years old. Artists may participate on an individual basis or in a collective; Only self made photobooks will be accepted. Photobooks that are self produced, self edited and independent. If the project is a dummy, it should be the closest to its final form, in the materials used and its format. Special attention will be paid to experimentalism and innovation in forms of publication. Application of photobooks that have already been published by publishing houses will not be accepted. 2. AWARDS An international jury will select 30 finalists for a collective exhibition that will happen between the 16th of September and the 30th of October in Braga, Portugal, in the 32nd edition of the festival. Among the 30 finalists, three cash prizes will be awarded, for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and 7 honorable mentions. First Prize: 750€ Second Prize: 500€ Third Prize: 250€ The finalists of this award will be announced in Encontros da Imagem website and other communication channels of the festival. 3. APPLICATION To apply to this award, there must be a registration and submission of the project through Picter's platform, subject to the following conditions: Each application costs 20€; Each project submitted will be considered a single application. Each candidate can submit a maximum of 3 photobooks, that will be considered 3 applications. The deadline for the open call is 15th of May, 2022. 4. EVALUATION The projects will be evaluated by an international jury, specialized and with vast knowledge in the area. In the first moment, through the online platform Picter, the jury will select from all the applicants, 30 finalists. That's why it's essential to submit all the required information (images, video, artist statement, biography/cv) so that the jury can carry out a well informed and complete evaluation of all projects. After this evaluation, the 30 finalists will be contacted by the team's festival and will be invited to send the selected photobook to the festival, in order to finalize the application for the prize. The final evaluation will be made in a face-to-face meeting of the jury, through the analysis of the 30 physical photobook. In this moment they will attribute the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, as well as the 7 honorable mentions. The finalist photobooks received at the festival will not be returned. After the exhibition they will become part of the festival's archive, being immediately incorporated into the library of Galeria Encontros da Imagem for public consultation. 5. SHIPPING The packaging of the photobook should be sent to the following address: Encontros da Imagem - Festival de Fotografia e Artes Visuais Photobook Award EI 2022 A/C: Carla Bacelar Ferreira / Noora Manty Largo da Estação, 40 - Salas 5 e 6 4700-223 Braga Portugal The deadline to send the photobooks is 31st of July 2022. To insure the application for the prize, even if the book arrives after the mentioned date, it will need to have the post stamp before that date. Please write in the outside of the package the following message: "BOOK WITH NO COMMERCIAL VALUE" If the packaging of the photobooks are held up in customs, the applicant will be responsible for paying the customs clearance costs. By applying the applicants is agreeing to the terms & conditions mentioned above. Any omitted issues in this regulation, shall be addressed by the festivals team. Contact:

Entrada actualizada el el 16 may de 2022

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