Descripción de la Exposición ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Artistas participantes: Adel Abidin (Iraq/Finland)/ ANTUAN (Cuba/USA)/ Maja Bajevic (Bosnia)/ Marc Bijl (The Netherlands)/ Alexander Apóstol (Venezuela)/ Iván Candeo (Venezuela)/ Emilio Chapela (Mexico)/ DEMOCRACIA (Spain)/ Jen DeNike (USA)/ Nezaket Ekici (Turkey/Germany)/ Karlo Ibarra (Puerto Rico)/ Kaoru Katayama (Japan/Spain)/ Elena Kovylina (Russia)/ Carlos Motta (Colombia)/ Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay & Pascal Lièvre (Canada)/ Johanna Reich (Germany)/ Krisdy Shindler (Canada)/ Shahzia Sikander (Pakistan)/ Santiago Sierra (Spain)/ Jose Angel Toirac (Cuba)/ Katri Walker (Scotland).
Is it wrong to be a patriot, to love your country or your roots? Patriotism manifests itself in multiple forms: some are benign and tranquilizing, others horrifying. The problem now is that 'nationalism' or 'bad patriotism' goes beyond a mere or positive appreciation of your homeland by stressing negative elements of identity and presupposing an iron loyalty that creates artificial divisions and makes it difficult to understand other singularities. We should not forget that throughout history 'nation', 'nationality' and 'identity' have become negative, marking a clear line between a native and a non-native.
?Exhibition curator Paco Barragán
Presented throughout the gallery on projectors, monitors and flat-screens, the exhibition is conceptually structured under four distinct headings: PART 1: Tell us a Story, engages stories and discourses that exemplify contemporary patriotic storytelling; PART 2: Fly your Flag, showcases a series of performances in which the flag as patriotic paraphernalia serves as leit-motif; PART 3: Honour the Hero; gathers works around a series of heroes and characters that conform to past and present patriotic histories; and PART 4: Love thy Anthem, contains a series of works that deal with national anthems and songs that constitute a key element of patriotic narratives.
¡Patria o Libertad! invites viewers to consider the current state and implications for the future of patriotism and nationalism in a rapidly and increasingly globalized world.
Organized by the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto and the Cobra Museum, Amsterdam.
Exposición. 18 feb de 2025 - 15 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España