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Paisajes de la rêverie. Tiempo múltiple

Exposición / Valey Centro Cultural de Castrillón / Plaza de Europa, 3 / Castrillón, Asturias, España
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04 oct de 2013 - 31 oct de 2013

04 oct de 2013

Organizada por:
Valey Centro Cultural de Castrillón

Artistas participantes:
Virginia López


Descripción de la Exposición

'Ephemeros' is one my recent research, that I've been developing from 2010. It presents a series of works which deal with the notion of time and transitoriness. I like to define art as an eternal substance even though it decays constantly. 'Ephemeros' talks about nature and its cyclic rhythms, about dense and still water, which represent a deposit for our memories and a place for our dreaming in a vague time full of confusion called 'rêverie'. The work manifests its concerns through the applied materials, since they are the original holders of time: Wax as an organic and metamorphic material, which is constantly exposed to transformations, and the ancient method of photographic print (where the image appears and disappears, fragile, under the water signs stretch and deform) are used to represent a reflection about art, time and memory.


'Write a poem: to mark the water skin. Gently signs deform and expand, express what they want in, the breeze, the sun, the clouds, they stretch, shake, until the man who is watching them asleep-the wind, the high light-or sees his own face or - pure transparency, deep crash- does not see anything' (Poética a la que intento a veces aplicarme) Angel Gonzalez.


Like Lily Briscole, I look forward to the daily miracle that cell behind-inside every gesture and vision, with the hope of perceiving light illumination of veiled and perpetual reality.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Virginia López

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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