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Oublier le corps...

Exposición / Baró Galería - Palma de Mallorca / Can Sanç 13 - 1 / Baleares, España
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Desde 21 sep de 2024

21 sep de 2024

Entrada gratuita

Comisariada por:
Rolando J. Carmona

Organizada por:
Baró Galería

Artistas participantes:
Lygia Clark


Descripción de la Exposición

'Oublier le corps' marks the first solo exhibition in Mallorca of renowned Brazilian artist Lygia Clark (1920-1988). The exhibition, curated by Rolando J. Carmona, explores how Clark’s work engaged throughout her career with the concept of the dissolution of the body. From her early deconstructed sketches, which foreshadow the geometric forms of her “Bichos,” to her relational objects, the show investigates how her practice activated radical aesthetic and psychological methods, reimagining traditional roles between artwork, artist, and viewer, involving even the unconscious and transcending the physical sensory experience typically associated with art.

Entrada actualizada el el 25 sep de 2024

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