Exposición en Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Holanda

On John Ahearn & Rigoberto Torres

Kunstinstituut Melly (ex-Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art) / Witte de Withstraat, 50 / Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Holanda
09 oct de 2018 - 20 ene de 2019
09 sep de 2018
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Descripción de la Exposición
In 1991, New York artists John Ahearn and Rigoberto Torres were commissioned to carry out a public art project in Rotterdam, South Bronx Hall of Fame at Witte de With. To create it, they are eight residents of the city's Cool District, which is also the neighborhood of this institution. In their effort to make art that portrays people in everyday life situations-rather than, say, heroes represented in public monuments or statues-the artists created bust portraits of each of the eight people and hung these sculptures in building facades throughout Cool. Some of the portrayed participants were young then; some older in age. Some of the sculptures figuring them remain in their original site; some were eventually removed. Earlier this year, we reached out to the former participants to see where they were then in life, and where they are now. Not all continue living in Cool, but all are still ... based in Rotterdam, for the exception of one, who has passed away. We also went to seek out the remaining sculptures on-site, and brought along with us the photographer who originally documented the process and project in 1991. Untitled features a display of archival images and documentation, as well as newly commissioned photo portraits of the original participants and testimonies about their experience of Cool and of working with Ahearn and Torres. This presentation is in the one of two vitrines in Untitled especially devoted for displays that draw from Witte de With's rich exhibition history.



Entrada actualizada el el 13 sep de 2019

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