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Exposición / Blond & Blond Contemporary / Gartenstrasse 114 / Berlin, Alemania
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Desde 15 oct de 2016

15 oct de 2016 / 18:00

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Blond & Blond Contemporary

Artistas participantes:
Jorge Rosano Gamboa


Descripción de la Exposición

Memory, identity, the forces of nature and death, are key points in his work process, but its core lies in “what is not there”, the void, the presence of the absence, where the importance lies more in the memory we have of the images than in the images themselves and what is familiar therefore becomes something strange. The photographic image is usually the basis of his work, although the output of his work ends up in a drawing or an installation. Jorge Rosano Gamboa graduated at Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda (2011), he has participated in the Art Semiotics Seminar at Torre de Investigaciones Estéticas del CNA (2012) and also in the Contemporary Photography Seminar at Centro de la Imagen (2004). He has been part of more that 20 group exhibitions in Mexico and abroad, such as Impermanencia en el MUCA Roma de la Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM). Nowadays, he is founder of the gallery Breve, a project aimed at fostering Mexican and foreign emerging artists. Throughout his life he has continuously worked in art framing and montage. Jorge Rosano Gamboa lives and works in Mexico City.

Entrada actualizada el el 24 nov de 2016

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