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Of part to whole

Exposición / L21 [ESPACIO TRASLADADO] / Gremi de Ferrers, 25. Polígono Son Castelló / Palma, Baleares, España
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19 ene de 2024 - 15 mar de 2024

19 ene de 2024 / 19h.

De 19 a 22 h.

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
L21 Gallery

Artistas participantes:
Matthew Feyld, Valerie Krause



Descripción de la Exposición

Valerie Krause and Matthew Feyld will present an exhibition where they explore the process of construction and deconstruction, delving into both the physical and intellectual aspects of art. Despite the hermetic nature of their work, Feyld and Krause found a commonality in their approach to symbols and structures, serving as the catalyst for this collaborative exhibition. While maintaining the integrity of their individual styles, the artists aimed to create a cohesive and fluid exhibition while employing strong and strict shapes.

Entrada actualizada el el 21 mar de 2024

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