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Occupying, Building, Thinking: Poetic and Discursive Perspectives on Contemporary Cuban Video Art (1990-2010)

Exposición / USF Contemporary Art Museum - University of South Florida / 4202 E. Fowler Ave. / Tampa, Florida, Estados Unidos
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07 jun de 2013 - 03 ago de 2013

07 jun de 2013

Comisariada por:
Dennys Matos

Organizada por:
USF Contemporary Art Museum - University of South Florida



Descripción de la Exposición

This exhibition of videos by Cuban artists working worldwide invites contemplation of what it means to occupy (a home, a plot of land, a city, a society?) and the relationship between occupying and building and the concept of the work of art in today?s global culture. Three interconnected segments pose the question of how to reinvent a language for imagining what is public, private and intimate in a culture like Cuba?s, where civil society has been supplanted by the State. Concept and Video Curation by Dennys Matos; Exhibition Curated by Noel Smith; Environment by Vanessa Diaz; Organized by USFCAM.

Imágenes de la Exposición
Cartel de la exposición

Entrada actualizada el el 03 jun de 2014

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