Descripción de la Exposición
Fortunate Objects (Objetos afortunados): Selecciones de la colección Ella Fontanals-Cisneros es una exposición de objetos familiares, domésticos e industriales, íntimos e impersonales, privados y públicos, que sufren transformaciones radicales, conceptual y estéticamente, a través de la intervención de artistas contemporáneos. En esta muestra, los objetos se vuelven contingentes, inciertos, ampliados e improbables, mientras que paradójicamente también se vuelven más reales como vínculos entre las esferas del arte y la existencia diaria.
Fortunate Objects (Objetos afortunados) se estructura en tres secciones: El objeto apropiado o el arte encontrado asistido; el objeto sustituto o el objeto construido; y el objeto usado.
El objeto apropiado o el arte encontrado asistido se refiere a la recontextualización de lo fabricado en serie, todos los días, y a objetos encontrados en forma de arte encontrado asistido, como ‘Forever' Bicycles (Bicicletas ‘para siempre’) (2003) de Ai Weiwei; Made to Measure (Hecho a medida)(crutches/muletas), 2001-2003 de Alexandre daCunha; Floor Flute (Flauta de piso) (2003) de Robert Chambers; Standards and Double Standards (Estándares y estándares dobles) (2004) de Rafael Lozano-Hemmer; y Carrito (más 3 dibujos) (2006) de Moris.
El objeto utilizado implica el uso de otros objetos para atribuir significado y producir nuevas formas o temas que imiten o ilustren y se comprometan con el referente original, como Rhythm O de Marina Abramovic, 1974; la serie de pizarras de Priscilla Monge desde 1999; los frottage de utensilios de cocina de Mona Hatoum; y Espectros urbanos de Donna Conlon (2004). Aquí la identidad del objeto se transforma para adquirir un significado inesperado o no convencional, lo que propone nuevos usos y la extensión de los límites y de la vida del objeto.
El objeto construido o sustituto hace referencia a obras que en su realización o bases conceptuales constituyen o aluden a objetos de la vida cotidiana o de la cultura popular. Dichos trabajos incluyen Blue double kaleidoscope (Caleidoscopio doble azul) de Olafur Elliason (2005); The Blood of Christ (La sangre de Cristo) de Damien Hirst (2005); El Gran Patriarca de José Antonio-Hernández-Diez (1993); Sleeping Box (Caja para dormir) de Mateo López, (2007) y Favela de Jon Kessler (1986). Estas obras reemplazan y reinventan los objetos comunes a los que se refieren. Cuestionan y desafían convenciones referidas a temas tales como: veracidad, autenticidad, realidad, espacio; y en última instancia los límites entre el arte y la vida.
Marina Abramović, Guido Albi Marini, Marcela Astorga, Emilia Azcárate, Lothar Baumgarten, Robert Chambers, Donna Conlon, Horacio Coppola, Leo Correa, Alexandre da Cunha, José Damasceno, Geraldo de Barros, Olafur Eliasson, Leandro Erlich, Darío Escobar, Peter Fischli and David Weiss, Gaspar Gasparian, Thomas Glassford, Mona Hatoum, José Antonio Hernández-Diez, Damien Hirst, Jon Kessler, Gabriel Kuri, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Marepe (Marcos Reis Peixoto), Leo Matiz, Cildo Meireles, Priscilla Monge, Moris (Israel Meza Moreno), Vik Muniz, Gabriel Orozco, Stephan Pascher, Paulo Pires, Miguel Angel Ríos, Leyden Rodríguez-Casanova, David Rosenbloom, Lorna Simpson, Grete Stern, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Rubens Teixeira Scavone, Ai Weiwei.
The Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, known as CIFO, has announced the presentation of Fortunate Objects: Selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection, an exhibition curated by CIFO Chief Curator Cecilia Fajardo-Hill showcasing contemporary art inspired by seemingly ordinary, everyday objects. On view from December 5, 2007 to February 24, 2008, the exhibition will coincide with the international art fair Art Basel Miami Beach (Dec. 6-9 2007). It will feature works by leading artists such as Ai Weiwei, Damien Hirst and José Antonio Hernández-Diez, drawn from the exceptional collection assembled by international patron and arts advocate Ella Fontanals-Cisneros.
Since the early twentieth century, contemporary artists have incorporated the use of everyday objects–such as readymades,
Dada assemblages, collages, and contemporary installations–in an ever-increasing attempt to bridge the distance between art and life. Fortunate Objects is about the space explored between art and life; about the processes taking place within this gap, and in some cases, the merging of the two. The exhibition surveys the many possibilities that exist in contemporary art through the reuse and reinterpretation of everyday things, be they found, constructed, bought, appropriated, instrumental or invented. The show features 59 works in various media by international emerging and established artists from different generations, ranging in scale from the monumental to the intimate.
“Fortunate Objects proposes a playful, imaginative, curious and unexpected approach to objects used in daily life,” said Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Chief Curator of CIFO and the curator for the exhibition. “This show celebrates and investigates the nature of the objects surrounding us, and in doing so, encourages us to reexamine our environment and ourselves.”
CIFO’s founder Ella Fontanals-Cisneros added, “Fortunate Objects is an expression of CIFO’s commitment to showcasing contemporary art of the highest caliber that will excite, inspire and engage audiences in Miami. This exhibition offers a wide-ranging view of an enduring artistic practice–and through these artists’ work, we gain a new way of seeing our world.”
Fortunate Objects is structured around three main themes: the appropriated object, the surrogate object, and the object utilized.
The appropriated object refers to the reuse of mass-produced objects in the form of assisted readymades, such as ‘Forever’ Bicycles by Ai Weiwei, Móvil by Marcela Astorga, and Mobile Home by Moris. The surrogate object features work that re-invents common objects, such as Einstein Table Upset or Blue Double Kaleidoscope by Olafur Eliasson, The Body of Christ by Damien Hirst (pill cabinet), El Gran Patriarca by José Antonio-Hernandez-Diez (billiard table), and Favela by Jon Kessler. The third section, the object utilized, involves the use of objects to ascribe meaning or produce new forms or themes, such as the chalkboards by Priscilla Monge, Mona Hatoum’s frottages, José Damasceno’s Durante o Caminho Vertical (an installation with shoe soles), and Donna Conlon’s video Espectros Urbanos. This particular section also includes photography revolving around the tradition of the still life, including modernist works by Paulo Pires and Geraldo de Barros, and more contemporary photographers such as Gabriel Orozco, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Peter Fischli and David Weiss.
Ella Fontanals-Cisneros began collecting contemporary art in the 1970s, and today her collection includes important and cutting-edge pieces by some of the leading artists of our time. Collection highlights include photography by Barbara Kruger, Ana Mendieta, and Thomas Struth; abstract works by Barbara Hepworth, Jesús Soto, and Gego; and video installations by Bill Viola, Chantal Akerman, and Julian Rosenfeldt.
Exposición. 10 mar de 2025 - 22 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Cambio de forma: Mito y metamorfosis en los dibujos romanos de José de Madrazo
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España