Exposición en Knokke-Heist, West-Vlaanderen, Bélgica


Baronian Xippas Knokke / 731 Zeedijk / Knokke-Heist, West-Vlaanderen, Bélgica
30 oct de 2021 - 09 ene de 2022
30 oct de 2021
Entrada gratuita
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Descripción de la Exposición
Baronian Xippas is pleased to be hosting a solo show with works by Leandro Erlich in Knokke. On this occasion, the artist displayed seven sculptures especially designed for the exhibition. Baronian Xippas Knokke is pleased to be hosting Nubes, a solo exhibition of the Argentinian artist Leandro Erlich. Erlich is known for his large installations like Swimming Pool (1999) which was shown at the Biennale of Venice in 2001 and is now to be seen in different museums across the world, Bâtiment (2004) and Sous le Ciel (2018), an installation at Bon Marché Rive Gauche, Paris. In Erlich’s artworks, the viewer is invited to participate and to explore a strange reality. For this exhibition, he created a new series of seven Clouds, existing of multiple panels of glass that, when seen from the right angle, appear as a three-dimensional image. As he says himself: “Clouds are as “unreliable” as an object ... can be and yet we are deeply attached to them in our daily lives. We are always trying to hold on to the ephemeral and the Cloud Series captures that desire, while highlighting its impossibility”.



Entrada actualizada el el 27 oct de 2021

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