Descripción de la Exposición
Casa Triângulo is pleased to announce Nigredo, Thiago Rocha Pitta's first solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition, which has a curatorial text by Pedro Cesarino, gathers the artist's most recent multimedia production.
Thiago explores through videos, sculptures and paintings the relationship between man, nature and time. Always meditatively, the artist seems to want to capture natural phenomena by simple techniques and gestures, and at the same time historical, such as his frescoes and watercolors. Since the beginning of his career, Thiago explores issues related to the human being advent. In his early works, he presented and worked on cyanobacteria cells, there was already a search for the origin of life, a questioning about processes, but which, over time, have now become intense and chaotic. Thiago seems to find himself at this moment, exploring the chaos after the emergence of life.
In this individual at Casa Triângulo, Thiago questions the entire process so far. The works presented incite an action, Pitta provides primary materials for the spectator to take lead. Phosphorus, wood, portals and eclipses seem to direct the observer to make a decision and, consequently, to act on what is proposed to him/her. A change appears to be imminent. Other works, at the same time, show something that is already happens, without the necessity of we have to do any choice, here we are just observers. In Nigredo, we have the feeling that something can happen and, simultaneously, it is happening already and that is exactly what we feel when we enter the artist's universe in this exhibition.
In works such as Phosphorum Amplificatio and Night Gate, the artist seems to provide the materials that will transform the current moment, to transcend the time-space in which we live. From the posthumous moment to action is visible in other works such as Great Alchemical Monument and Fire in the museum, in which an action is freely revealed and, curiously, feeds themselves from the materials provided by the artist in other productions. The return of Bendegó and Cabral’s torment allow us to witness the beginning of an end. The change from what it was and the promise of what will become.
The eclipses depicted by the artist can also represent a turning point. As in the case of the work Lunar eclipse of 27th july of 2018, which can be seen as a pressage of the fire that hit the Museu Nacional in September of the same year. Another work, Solar eclipse of 2nd july of 2019 also seems to herald the challenging period that would lie ahead in the same year. Such coincidences permeate the work of the artist who will open the exhibition on June 19th and, two days later, on June 21st, he completes 20 years of career and, nevertheless, the date also marks the beginning of the Winter solstice.
The promise of the new and the premise of a future are found within the artist's work and at his entire production, which seems to imprison a momentum. Time, as seen by the phenomenology, is unique and personal, but here in Nigredo, there is a socialization of it. We are all born and we are all in the same burning-boat, and even, we watch this fire happen - as in the case of the Museu Nacional, which the video installation The Cloopen Door makes reference to - together.
Through the works presented, the artist encourages the viewer to face up to situations that are exposed to themselves. The time is paralyzed during the exhibition, it is up to the observer to decide the path to be taken. The duality of choices is also present throughout the journey. What can save is also what can start the end.
Thiago Rocha Pitta [Tiradentes, 1980. Lives and works in Petrópolis] received in 2009 the Open Your Mind of St. Moritz Art Masters Foundation award, at Switzerland, and in 2004 the CNI-SESI Marcantonio Vilaça de Artes Plásticas award. Among his individual exhibitions, the following stands out: Noite de Abertura, Projeto Intervenções, curated by Fernando Cocchiarale and Fernanda Lopes, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2020]; Primeiro Verde, Galeria Millan, São Paulo, Brazil [2018]; The First Green, Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, USA [2017]; Mapas temporais de uma terra não sedimentada, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2016]; Temporal Maps of a Non-Sedimented Land, Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, USA [2015]; L’Eremo e Il Campo Accampa, Gluck50, Milan, Italy [2013]; Nostalgia of Pangea, Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark [2012]. He took part in several group exhibitions such as: Heritage, Waterloo Billboard Commission, part of the exhibition Among the Trees, Hayward Gallery, London, United Kingdom; FOR aig veit existen af vorld, Hå Gamle Prestegard, Hå, Norway [2020]; Hugo França & Thiago Rocha Pitta: Tropical Molecule, organized by Melanie Kress, New York, USA; Oito décadas de abstração informal, curated by Lauro Cavalcanti and Felipe Chaimovich, Instituto Casa Roberto Marinho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Passado/Futuro/Presente, curated by Vanessa Davidson and Cauê Alves, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil and 16th Instanbul Biennial, Istanbul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Istanbul, Turkey [2018]; 30a Bienal de São Paulo – A Iminência das Poéticas, curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas, São Paulo, Brazil [2012]. His works are part of collections such as: Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan; Museum of Modern Art - MoMa, New York, USA; Maison Européene de la Photography, Paris, France; Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, among others.
Actualidad, 28 jun de 2021
#Loquehayquever en Brasil: Erika Verzutti, Regina Vater y Beatriz Milhazes en el MASP
El MASP presenta la primera exposición de la artista paulista Erika Verzutti en un museo brasileño, reuniendo 79 obras producidas entre 2003 y 2021.
Exposición. 10 mar de 2025 - 22 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Cambio de forma: Mito y metamorfosis en los dibujos romanos de José de Madrazo
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España