Descripción de la Exposición
Pointing to the accidental, generated or irregular openings in or outside the rather dark texture of current ecotechnological and sociopolitical reality, the exhibition’s formal and thematic focus is cuts, slits, (travelling through) portals, openings, mirrors, new (and old) opportunities, or other (psycho)active cavities.
The axial and symmetrical gallery space with a couple of arches and passages suggested constructing this exhibition as an experience of transitions through various openings that would strengthen their possible transformational qualities. Accordingly, the exhibition title nEYEYEght is a neologism that was made by using two visual one-word poems by Aram Saroyan – Night and EYEYE.
This way of thinking refers to the ancient function of artworks and exhibitions as transformational spaces which potentially would produce new words and worlds. Various bodily and material objects, spaces or mechanisms could be interpreted as polysemous tropes that stand for articulation, birth, and also for shaping, transforming, struggling, and experiencing: aesthetically, spatially, sexually, materially, politically and otherwise.
The exhibition’s aim is to enquire how this specific landscape of multiple openings and closures, stimulating constellations, positive hallucinations, gateless gates, etc., may activate today’s audience in the background of multiple ecological and sociopolitical transformations.
Premio. 27 ene de 2025 - 10 mar de 2025 / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España
Formación. El 30 ene de 2025 / Fundación Juan March / Madrid, España