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Exposición / Davis Museum - The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona / Puigmartí, 7, 1º, 2 / Barcelona, España
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01 may de 2011 - 31 ago de 2011

01 may de 2011

Comisariada por:
Davis Lisboa

Organizada por:
Davis Museum - The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona

Artistas participantes:
Karen Aune
Video arte  Video arte en Barcelona 


Descripción de la Exposición

Online Solo Exhibition.



MAY 1 - AUGUST 31, 2011

Karen Aune, 
Neoptiks, 2010, digital print and oil on canvas, 5,9 x 5,9 x 3,9 in

In spite of the fact that technology has turned into an inevitable 'way' trough which we think this one also it is in the map' of a time for coming [...] to the form that will adopt this culture in this future time. ' (1)

The work of Karen Aune communicates strangeness, sequences that for all it's uprooting they create a short circuit opposite to any effort to try to understand them. This work is constructed from visual patrons extracted as autonomous organs that across the software it repeats, climbs and moves from a work to another. Neoptiks makes neither a sense of beginning nor end; its elements flow paradoxically in the space though the suggestion of a narrative of vague familiar forms persists in this work.

The manipulation of the program - intermediate act between the original image and the prototype bases of the painting - has direct consequences in its final appearance; the infinite scale in which the images can reproduce from the computer seems to dilute from appearances, volume, space, and perspective over the pictorial surface. The colors sometimes are flat and others contaminated, saturated and vibrant. The digital image does not stop existing implicitly inside the painting and therefore it works as device of a 'spetacularized' recreation as a simulacrum of the reality to come. (...)

Neoptiks, arranges as signs of the reality a system of abnormalities that are reminiscent of El Bosco; exist in this work a certain voyeurism that is the continuation of the work with structures that depart from the organic thing as the body, as basic condition of the material thing across the topologic exhibition of the tissue as the original element and mutant, as redemptions of Adam and Eve in which the subject seems visceral. This way, the visual acts of our current society produces acts of seeing and to devote seeing itself, of looking and being seen across which the subject is produced. This performative visual act is articulated across the experience of the subject by the field of the vision, in such a way that the own subject of vision comes to be controlled as such by the decisive power of this field. (2)
(1) José Luis Brea. El tercer Umbral: estatuto de las prácticas artísticas en la era del capitalismo cultural.
(2) Idem 1

Karen Aune was Born in Brasil in 1971, lives and work in Bogotá, Colombia since 2006, currently working as an assistant professor at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá.

* The project Neoptiks was the recipient of the call for funding research projects and creation of the Department of Design 2009, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá

* Foto: William Aparicio

2005 Masters of Advanced Studies (MAS / DEA) Universidad de Barcelona, Spain.

2010 - 'Neoptiks Beta'- MAMBO - Bogota Modern Art Museum, Colombia 
2010 - 'Neoptiks'- Casa tres Patios, Medellín, Colombia 
2010 - 'Neoptiks' - Aliance Française of Bucaramanga, Colombia 
2009 - 'Neoptiks Alfa' - LA Gallery, Bogota, Colombia 
2006 - 'Neodynamics: Stem Cells' - 'Brasil Arte Actual' - Valenzuela y Klenner Gallery Bogotá, Colombia
2006 - 'Fragmentos de una Metástase Amorosa: Flúo' Galería h10, Valparaíso, Chile
2002 - 'Neophytos 5:57pm * Estratégias para contemplar' - Sérgio Porto Cultural Space, Rio de Janeiro Brasil
2001 - 'Psicossexualidade' - Vicente do Rego Monteiro Cultural Center, Recife, Brasil
2001 - 'Monólogo a Dois' Paschoal Carlos Magno Cultural Center, Niterói Brasil
2001 - 'Psicossexualidade' Poste Gallery, Niteroi Brasil
2000 - 'Psychosexuality' - Alternativa Once Gallery, Monterrey México
1997 - 'Y la vida continúa...' - Nuevo León House of Culture, Monterrey México
1996 - 'Vida empieza con vida' - Eleanor Jackson Gallery, Montemorelos México

2009 - 'ARTBO' -International Art Fair of Bogotá - LA Gallery- Corferias, Bogotá, Colombia 
2008 - 'ARTBO' - International Art Fair of Bogotá - LA Gallery- Corferias, Bogotá, Colombia
2008 - 'Diario Natural' - MAMB Bucaramanga Modern Art Museum, Colombia
2008 - 'Seres Híbridos elniuton en 241* palabras #1' - Matik Matik, Bogotá, Colombia
2008 - 'Estranha; Coletiva a arte e o outro' - Durex Arte Contemporánea, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2008 - 'XV BBVA Art Salon' - Barranquilla Modern Art Museum, Barranquilla, Colombia 
2008 - 'XV BBVA Art Salon' - La Tertulia Modern Art Museum, Cali, Colombia
2007 - 'XV BBVA Art Salon' - Museum of Antioquia Casa de Encuentro, Medellin, Colombia
2007 - 'XV BBVA Art Salon' - Casa de Moneda del Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia
2007 - 'Technicolor: Pintura Expandida' - LA Gallery, Bogota, Colombia
2006 - 'Paranaturais' - Paschoal Carlos Magno Cultural Center, Niteroi Brasil
2006 - 'Onde' - LGC Gallery, Rio de Janeiro Brasil
2006 - 'Dona Maria I Louca ou Piedosa'- Candido Mendes Cultural Center -,Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 
2005 - 'III Bienal de Realismo y Figuración Contemporánea' - Clave Gallery, Murcia Spain
2003 - 'Canvis, Continuïtat i Canvis:Tempo Multimediatic'- Punt Multimedia Casa del Mig, Barcelona Spain
2002 - 'Panorâmica'- Candido Mendes Cultural Center Rio de Janeiro Brasil
2002 - 'Niteroi Arte Hoje'- Centro Cultural Candido Mendes Cultural Center Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2002 - 'Niteroi Arte Hoje'- Niteroi Contemporary Art Museum, Niteroi, Brasil
2002 - 'Eterno em torno'- Candido Mendes Cultural Center, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2001 - 33o Contemporary Art Salon of Piracicaba - Miguel Dutra House of Art, Piracicaba, Brasil
2001 - 'Cómo es que los autos no vuelan aún'- Art Center of Monterrey, México
2001 - 'Gente Látex'- Conselheiro Paschoal Cittadino Cultural Center, Niteroi Brasil
2001 - 'Ajúa Proud'- Candido Mendes Cultural Center, Rio de Janeiro Brasil
2000 - 57o Contemporary Art Salon of Paraná - Curitiba Contemporary Art Museum,Curitiba, Brasil
2000 - 32O Contemporary Art Salon of Piracicaba - Miguel Dutra House of Art, Piracicaba Brasil
2000 - 26o National Art Salon of Belo Horizonte - Pampulha Museum, Belo Horizonte Brasil
2000 - Salao Pernambucano de Artes Plásticas Edición 2000 - Torre Malakoff, Pernambuco Brasil
2000 - 'Colectiva'- Arcaute Gallery, Monterrey México
2000 - 'Ambigú' - Ego Lounge, Monterrey México
1999 - 'Instalaciones e Intervenciones In Situ' - Casa Blanca de Montemorelos, Montemorelos México
1999 - XIX Reseña de la Plástica Nuevoleonesa -Nuevo León House of Culture, Monterrey México
1998 - XVIII Reseña de la plástica Nuevoleonesa - Nuevo León Pinacoteque , Monterrey México
1998 - 'El Retrato como pretexto' - BF15 Gallery, Monterrey México

2000 - Acquisition Prize - 57o Contemporary Art Salon of Paraná - Curitiba Contemporary Art Museum Brasil
2000 - Acquisition Prize - 26o Contemporary Art Salon of Belo Horizonte - Pampulha Museum - Belo Horizonte Brasil
1989 - Jury Distinction - Boston Globe Art Award, Massachussets USA

Collection of Curitiba Contemporary Art Museum, Curitiba Brasil
Collection of Pampulha Art Museum, Belo Horizonte Brasil
Candido Mendes University Collection , Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


 Davis Museum

Davis Lisboa

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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