Descripción de la Exposición ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT My themes deal with symbols, myths and visual signs from architecture, politics, films, and religions. My artworks are explorations of their meanings, a questioning, reassessments, and creations of new associations. In order to undermine entrenched representations, I work directly with them, to develop them further, transform them and juxtapose them against new representations. My works are conceptual and sensual at the same time, proposing that simplicity and imagination can still move us. Using animation, abstraction, and found footage, I present critical views of political, social and religious systems. Symbols and mythic figures undergo transformations, start to communicate and build new relations - symbols of identities turn into elements of dialogues. GLOBAL VULVA The animation Global Vulva connects female figures and vulva symbols from different times, countries and cultures, while they morph into each other - the cultural meaning of the female genital becomes visible again. You'll see paleolithic engravings, the Greek goddess Baubo, a winged woman from an ice-age culture in Siberia, an Irish Sheila-na-gig, drawings of vulvas and of their symbols, the Indian goddess Kali and a Yoni stone, the Tibetan goddess Naljorma Dewa, a statue of a noble ancestor of the lwena in Angola, the Aztec goddess Mayahuel, the Black Stone at the Kaaba in Mecca, a double-tailed mermaid from a church in Tuscany, the protecting Dilukai from Micronesia, hands forming the mudra 'Lotus and Bee' in a labyrinth, an amulet of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, a winged sun disk, and the oldest human figure ever found, the so called Venus of Hohle Fels. Otherwise separated visualisations are interweaved, resulting in a more complex and global view on their symbolic levels. 1 JUN - 30 AUG, 2013 GLOBAL VULVA Myriam Thyes, Global Vulva , 2009, Flash animation, digital video (HD), black/white, stereo, 6:20. Davis Museum Fundació Antoni Tàpies re.act.feminism #2. A Performing Archive Kristina Kanders Flamenco Joy
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España