Exposición en Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México

Minerva Cuevas: Paro general

Sonora 128 - programa de arte público de kurimanzutto / Avenida Sonora and Nuevo León, Colonia Hipódromo Condesa / Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México
01 abr de 2017 - 30 jun de 2017
01 abr de 2017
Organizada por:
Artistas participantes:
Descripción de la Exposición
kurimanuztto is pleased to announce the participation of Minerva Cuevas (b. 1975, Mexico City) in the fifth edition of Sonora 128, a billboard exhibition space in the heart of Mexico City, which aims to instigate conversation with a broad audience. Created specifically for Sonora 128, Paro general (2017) seeks to go beyond the advertising dimension of the billboard as a public exhibition device; the work subverts the commercial ends of the display in order to communicate a disquieting message. Transformed into a symbol of the worker's movement, the billboard presents a red and black flag connected to the worker's rights and to the strike. On this sign of rebellion, Cuevas writes a phrase by the American writer and political theorist Murray Bookchin, "If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable." Taken form his book The Ecology of Freedom (1982), this quote is both a ... very specific reference and an open source of interpretations, which expand to include political action, the urgency of the ecological and social crisis we are faced with today, as well as more personal reading.



Entrada actualizada el el 08 jun de 2017

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