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Mapping Narratives: New Prints 2021/Winter

Exposición / International Princt Center New York (IPCNY) / 508 West 26th Street, Room 5A / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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28 ene de 2021 - 22 may de 2021

28 ene de 2021

De jueves a sábado de 11:00 - 17:00

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
International Princt Center New York (IPCNY)

Artistas participantes:
Alicia Calbet Díaz

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Artes gráficas  Artes gráficas en New York 


Descripción de la Exposición

Mapping Narratives features new prints and print-based works by 40 artists, comprising a wide array of technical, formal, and conceptual practices. Reflecting not only skill and innovation in the contemporary print field, these works also reveal myriad identities, ways of seeing, and approaches to visual storytelling. Together, they explore how we anchor ourselves, our histories, and our lived experiences in our present moment and environment. ARTISTS Adrianna Adams, Chloe Alexander, Kendyl Boyd, Tyanna Buie, Rachel Burgess, Alicia Calbet, Scout Cartagena, Babette Cooijmans, Caoimhe Dalton, Dexter Davis, Nancy Diessner, Deja Echols, Kyle Goen, Donté K. Hayes, Sara Hess, Justine Highsmith & Kalaija Mallery, Mu-Tien Ho, Lisa Hunt, Musa Kunene, Geneviève L'Heureux, Julie Lapping Rivera, Logan Larsen, Scott Magin, Louise Mandumbwa, Spriha Maurya, Michelle Melo, Diego Morales-Portillo, Diyah Najah, Rod Nelson, Karen Revis, Yelaine Rodriguez, Kristina Rogers, Birgitte Rubæk, Kaitlin Santoro, Jueun Shin, Robbie Sugg, Rhiannon Skye Tafoya, Alex R.M. Thompson, and Linda Whitney. ABOUT THE JURY Black Women of Print (BWoP) was founded in October 2018 by Tanekeya Word, a Black woman, visual artist, art educator, scholar, and fine art printmaker who resides in Milwaukee, WI. Word was interested in creating an equitable safe place for Black women printmakers who were underrepresented in the discipline of printmaking, a space that is eulogized as democratic. Black Women of Print is an African diaspora centered platform, a digital homeplace for independent, mid-career, and established skill level Black women printmakers. The organization serves as a place to support and promote the visibility of Black women printmakers and as a professional directory of Black women printmakers who practice within the field.

Entrada actualizada el el 10 may de 2021

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