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Exposición / Kunsthalle Münster / Hafenweg 28, 5. Stock / Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Alemania
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31 ago de 2024 - 08 dic de 2024

30 ago de 2024 / 18 h.

Comisariada por:
Merle Radtke

Organizada por:
Kunsthalle Münster

Artistas participantes:
Nicolás Paris Vélez



Descripción de la Exposición

Manigua by nicolás paris is the first solo exhibition by the Colombian artist to be presented in a German institution. His work is a poetic resistance to conventions, rules and entrenched convictions. His working method, based on the act of drawing, on dialogue and elements drawn from architecture, aims to encourage open-ended and experimental learning processes. The knowledge arising from this practice allows for new ways of being together. paris thus transforms the exhibition space into a place of egalitarian, communal and exploratory exchange, centred on collective experience. Essentially, his work is inspired by his interest in the strategies and politics of nature.

Entrada actualizada el el 21 ago de 2024

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