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Loops.Expanded International Open Call results
The Loops.Expanded curatorial team has the pleasure of sharing the results of its work on the 2020 International Open Call.
Just as we said when the submission phase has ended, the quality and diversity of the 257 submitted works is a testimony of the loop strengths and vitality. That’s the reason why we had a fascinating, but no easy (and slightly delayed) task. Fortunately enough, the submitted works enabled us to have a real, beautiful and convincing discussion about purposes and meanings.
So in this list, we are sharing the works for which we have a commitment to show. Each curatorial partner will select one or more works and, depending on local conditions, the form of the exhibition could include shows or screenings in museums, galleries, theatres or outdoors screenings, symposiums and/or masterclasses. As you can imagine, we were not able to find exhibition opportunities for all works that we appreciated: hopefully, we will have a second list of more confirmed exhibitions.
This network aims to not to function as a traditional jury that just selects or rejects, but rather as a curatorial group whose goal is to unite and exhibit a ‘treasure trove’ around the loop. The present list is the autonomous but convergent work of programmers representing moving image projects in five countries: Loops.Lisboa/Duplacena (Portugal), PROYECTOR (Madrid / Spain), Ondavideo (Pisa / Italy), WWVF (Amsterdam / The Netherlands) and Cine Esquema Novo (Porto Alegre / Brazil). Not to mention our valuable venue partners Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado (MNAC – Lisbon), Galería de Cristal / Palacio de Cibeles, Quinta del Sordo, Sala El Águila and Secuencia de Inútiles (Madrid), Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre), Arsenale Cineclub (Pisa) and more to be announced soon.
Thank you again to all the artists and collectives who have submitted their work to this new international and decentralized project, dedicated to exhibiting and researching the concept and the form of the loop in video art / moving image. We want to explore an interrelated and interdependent approach in a global video art landscape and empower different perspectives to a unique form: from pre-cinema to the present time of computational, sound and audiovisual “infinite loops”. And these are the works coming from the Loops.Expanded 2020 International Open Call:
Ariel Uzal & Julieta Caputo (Argentina): Principia, Grativational Limbo 2018, 5:00
Carlos Adriano (Brazil): A Rotina terá seu Enquanto 2019, 10:04
Catherine Radosa (Checoslovaquia): Motherland 2017-20, 4:49
DEHORS/AUDELA (Italy): Aporia 2019, 13:20
Emanuele Dainotti (Italy): SANTA MARÍA 2018; infinite loop
Eunice Artur & agendas obscuras (Portugal): Pandopticon 2020, 13:32
Francisco Pradilla Barrero (Spain): Partial Eclipse 2020, 02:56
Hasan Daraghmeh (Palestine): The Door 2020, 8:00
Ilaria Di Carlo (Italy): The Divine Way 2018, 15:00
Juan-Ramón Barbancho (Spain): La muerte no enterrada 2016, 13:54
Kika Nicolela (Brazil): Actus 2010, 16:00
Matias Guerra (Chile): Mat’s 6000 frame workout with JLG 2020, 4:26
Marc Clemente (Spain / Morocco): Gnawa Collective: Intrusion or Resource? 2020, 9:01
Miguel Escobar (Colombia): An Image of a Façade 2020, 12:40
Nacho Recio (Spain): Ant 2014, 15:00
Shahar Marcus (Israel): Dig 2019, 5:35
Tseng Yu Chin (Taiwan): Shivering Wall; 2019, 10:01
W. Mark Sutherland (Canada): America a Videopoem 1988, 04:04
Loops.Expanded 2020 International Open call and decentralized exhibition
Loops.Expanded first activity in 2020 is an international open call for all artists and collectives with works dedicated to the Loop form, be they single or multi-channel.
We are looking for works that probe the idea and concept of the Loop, and not for works in which the loop is used only technically for exhibition purposes.
A Loops.Expanded selection will be chosen by the network’s partners from all submissions to the open call. Each partner will select, to exhibit locally, one or more works from the annual selection. Depending on local conditions, the form of the exhibition could include shows or screenings in museums, galleries, theatres or outdoors screenings.
What we are looking for
This is not about an itinerant exhibition, but rather a network experiment: we want to explore an inter-related and interdependent approach in a global video art landscape and empower different perspectives to a unique form.
But what does that mean? From pre-cinema and the mechanical movement of creating moving images, up to the present time of computational, sound and audiovisual “infinite loops”, and even the ephemerality of GIFs, loops are still everywhere and the possibilities are truly countless, creating a naturally fertile ground for artists.
Beyond formal rigour, but without ever excluding it, we understand the Loop as every video artwork capable of providing a cyclical and fluid experience even in transitory situations. Regardless of the trigger and/or device used, and whether from a minimal visual unit or a longer elliptical narrative, Loops.Expanded wants to select and display works exploring a pulsar, a continuous flow, a perpetual movement, an idea in positive permanence.
. Eligibility: All artists can participate
. Deadline: 17th May 2020
. Only one work by each artist or collective
. No fee is required for submitting or exhibiting work
. No artist/exhibition fees will be paid in this first edition
. The organizers will be covering standard equipment and exhibition costs. Custom requirements will be discussed with the selected artists.
How to submit
. Please fill up the entry form
. You must include a link to the work on an online platform such as Vimeo or Youtube – no files will be accepted!
. Please remember to include password if needed!!!
. Production date : no limitation
. Length / Duration: no limitation
. No exclusivity required
. Language: works including dialogue, text or voiceover, if not in English, must be dubbed / subtitled in that language.
. Exhibition copy should be provided in MP4 H264 unless otherwise agreed with the selected artists.
. The selection committee reserves the right to rule on any cases not provided for in these guidelines individually.
. Results of the pre-selection will be available on Loops.Expanded webite and social media channels. Selected artists will also be contacted by email.
. We will only accept the submission of a work if the submitter assures possession of all usage rights.
. Submission to this open call requires the unconditional adherence to all regulations set out in these guidelines. Submitters must ensure that any third parties connected to the production agreed to its participation in Loops.Expanded.
. Loops.Expanded partners reserves the right to rule on any cases not provided for in these guidelines.
. Artist presence: Loops.Expanded is not in the position to cover travel expenses.
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
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Formación. El 26 mar de 2025 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España
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