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Loop Fair 2018

Feria de arte / Almanac Barcelona / Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 619-621 / Barcelona, España
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20 nov de 2018 - 22 nov de 2018

15 nov de 2018

Organizada por:
LOOP Barcelona

Artistas participantes:
Adrián Balseca, Andrea Galvani, Angelika Markul, Aslan Gaisumov, Desiree Dolron, Efrat Natan, Glenda León, Hans Op de Beeck, Irina Botea, Lois Patiño, Lúa Coderch, Lukas Marxt, María Ruido, Núria Güell, Pavel Braila, Péter Forgács, Rui Calçada Bastos, Rä di Martino, Shahar Marcus, Vasco Araújo

Galerías participantes:
A Thousand Plateaus Art Space , A.I. , Ag Galerie , Albarrán Bourdais , Analix Forever , Anca Poterasu Gallery , Andriesse Eyck Galerie , Àngels Barcelona , Annie Gentils Gallery , Berg Contemporary , Blindspot Gallery , Borderline Art Space , Braverman Gallery , Chelouche Gallery , Chi-Wen Gallery , Emalin , GAEP (ex- Eastwards Prospectus) , Galeria Bruno Múrias , Galeria Iragui , Galería Presença , Galerie Paris-Beijing , Galerie Reinthaler , galerie Sator , Galerija Kranjčar , HE.RO , Jarvis Dooney , Molnár Ani Galéria , Monica de Cardenas , RocioSantaCruz , Ron Mandos , Rosa Santos , Rosenfeld ,

Arte contemporáneo  Arte contemporáneo en Barcelona  Arte digital  Arte digital en Barcelona  Fotografía  Fotografía en Barcelona  Video arte  Video arte en Barcelona 


Descripción de la Exposición

After many years, LOOP leaves the hot days of summer and moves to November, to further enrich the offer of the autumn art agenda. While the Fair and the Festival will once more provide insightful overviews of the current moving image panorama, the LOOP Studies programme will focus on audiovisual production, in this way following up a central question at the core of the 2012's edition: WHAT ABOUT PRODUCTION? Artistic creation is indeed irremediably bound to production. The relationship between the conceptualization of an artwork and the processes through which it takes form – be it material or immaterial –, is complex and worth investigating. With the intention of building up a coherent and continuing discourse among LOOP's different editions, the Studies will hence try to further dig into this question, while acknowledging the ever shifting cultural and economic panorama. As in 2012, the Studies will unfold into a series of curated panel presentations, roundtable discussions, screenings and specialized workshops, in this way providing a lively laboratory where to cook new ideas and question the current state of the art. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOP Talks programme Sunday, November 18 6pm Screening of Fiona Tan’s film Ascent (2016) followed by a conversation between the artist and Laura Walde at Cinemes Girona in collaboration with Casa Asia Monday, November 19 7pm SQUEAK, SQUEAK, screening of Marianna Simnett's works, followed by a conversation between the artist, Claude Adjil (Associate Curator, Serpentine Galleries) and Hans Ulrich Obrist (Artistic Director, Serpentine Galleries) at Macba Tuesday, November 20 9:30am “Commissioning Time: Art Institutions and the Production of Moving Image” Hans Ulrich Obrist in conversation with Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (Founder and President, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin) 12–9pm LOOP Fair professional preview and opening Wednesday, November 21 9:30am “Whose Screen Is It Anyway? New Formats of Artist’s Film” Maxa Zoller (Film Curator, Art Basel and Artistic Director, International Women’s Film Festival, Cologne) in coversation with Laura Walde (Film Programmer, Winterthur International Short Film Festival and PhD researcher University of Zurich "Exhibiting Film: Challenges of Format") and Rä di Martino (artist and filmmaker) 11am “Networked Production: On the Collaborative Creation of Artists Films and Videos” Sandra Terdjman (Co-Founder, Council and Kadist) in conversation with Haro Cumbusyan (collector and Founder of Collectorspace, Istanbul, Turkey) 12:30pm “Domestic and Urban Landscapes” Paola Ugolini (Curator, In Between Art Film, Rome) in conversation with Hans Op de Beeck (artist), and MASBEDO (artists) 3pm “On the online circulation of video” Presentation of VIDEOCLOOP - KADIST VIDEO LIBRARY initiative. Sandra Terdjman and Carolina Ciuti (LOOP Artistic Director) will engage in a conversation about online distributing platformes along with Barbara London (independent curator) and Hans Op de Beek. 4–8:30pm LOOP Fair Thursday, November 22, 2018 9:30am “Horizontal Vertigo: Curating as a Form of Production” Monika Kerkmann (Director, Julia Stoschek Collection) in conversation with Lisa Long (Curator, Julia Stoschek Collection) 11am “Together we are Barrelling Towards the Scene of the Accident at 120 Kilometers an Hour” Maggie Ellis (Head of FLAMIN, London) and Rose Cupit (Manager of FLAMIN, London) in conversation with Noor Afshan Mirza and Brad Butler (artists) 12:30pm “Collecting Contemporary Video in Spain” with private collectors and Llucià Homs (Director, Talking Galleries, Barcelona) 3pm “Made In China: The ‘Whereabouts’ Of Moving Image Production In Asia” Barbara London in conversation with Marko Daniel (Director, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona) 4–8:30pm LOOP Fair LOOP Barcelona is proud to announce THE HAN NEFKENS FOUNDATION—LOOP VIDEO ART PRODUCTION AWARD. This new collaboration with the Han Nefkens Foundation and Fundació Joan Miró is dedicated to support new productions. The jury composed by Hans Ulrich Obrist (Artistic Director, Serpentine Galleries), Barbara London (independent curator), Marko Daniel (Director, Fundació Joan Miró), Emilio Álvarez (Co-Founding Director, LOOP Barcelona), and Han Nefkens (collector and Founder of the Han Nefkens Foundation) will announce the winner on the first day of LOOP Fair.

Entrada actualizada el el 15 nov de 2018

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