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Le Syndicat des Olympiades

Exposición / La Galerie, Centre d'Art Contemporain / 1 Rue Jean Raurès / Noisy-le-Sec, Ile-de-France, Francia
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01 jun de 2024 - 30 nov de 2024

01 jun de 2024

Comisariada por:
Marc Bembekoff

Organizada por:
La Galerie, Centre d'Art Contemporain

Artistas participantes:
Jonathas de Andrade

Fotografía  Fotografía en Ile-de-France  Performance  Performance en Ile-de-France  Video arte  Video arte en Ile-de-France 


Descripción de la Exposición

At the invitation of La Galerie, centre d’art contemporain de Noisy-le-Sec, Jonathas de Andrade (1982, lives and works in Recife) presents Le Syndicat des Olympiades [The Syndicate of the Olympics], an inclusive and participatory project involving organizations from Noisy-le-Sec. Jonathas de Andrade draws on photography, video, and performance art to question the architectural, social, and cultural impact of the Olympic Games in Paris, while taking into account the myriad and diverse landscapes and people who inhabit and shape this area on a daily basis. During the exhibition, La Galerie building becomes the headquarters of this extraordinary syndicate, housing a series of works (photographic portraits, films, architectural models, objects, etc.) produced especially for the occasion, which portray and celebrate people living in the suburbs, as well as sports fans from different social backgrounds and ages.

Entrada actualizada el el 30 jul de 2024

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