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La timidité des cimes

Exposición / 49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine / 1bis rue des Trinitaires / Metz, Lorraine, Francia
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17 mar de 2017 - 04 jun de 2017

16 mar de 2017 / 19:00

Comisariada por:
Beatriz Alonso

Organizada por:
49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine


Descripción de la Exposición

Artistas: Lara Almarcegui, Helena Almeida, Kader Attia, Jeremy Deller, Marta Fernández Calvo, Dora García, Jiří Kovanda, Amalia Pica, Rita Ponce de León, Alex Reynolds, Cecilia Vicuña. Is it feasible to promote new forms of living together beyond individualism and global competition, even if this objective seems almost unattainable? Are we capable of establishing links based on compromise, mutual commitment and cooperation without necessarily relinquishing our differences? What practical implementation, theoretical and symbolic positioning may we imagine in the midst of the current socio-political context governed as it by antagonism and division? 'The shyness of the crowns' is a botanical phenomenon in which trees define the limit of their growth, thereby allowing their harmonious coexistence in the canopy. Among the large body of research conducted on such awareness in trees, our point of departure is a study focused on their internal communication system. Through the exchange of chemical signals, they guard against the occurrence of diseases, of environmental stress, or simply delimit their own breathing space in harmony with other trees. These infrastructures within the vegetation create 'shyness gaps' which allow the trees to agree, for instance, on letting the light through, while preventing the intrusion of elements that are harmful to group living: such channel-like gaps might be construed in this context as spaces of possibility. The poetical observation of this phenomenon challenges some of the modern views according to which nature is hegemonic and the fittest prevails in the fight for survival. To bring it into the human domain, this collective intelligence, this concern for the common good, could be put into perspective with our contemporaneous existence and remind us of the urgent need to take action — as members of a society — with a view to creating an ecosystem in which relationships, encounters and exchanges can always emerge from synergies. In doing so, it challenges the justification of wild competition within our current socio-economic framework. Bearing in mind the potential of such metaphor, this exhibition engages with artistic practices that promote or make visible new scenarios devoted to living together and learning from one another while still accepting our otherness and our differences. To review the concept of community, through works of art that contribute to a broader understanding of what it entails (yet without denying the existence of conflict, instability or fragility). To set out on a quest for new horizons, building on our complexities, contradictions and weaknesses to live side by side and produce more subtle and flexible bonds with others in order to become stronger together. To this end, the exhibition highlights a stronger sense of connection with nature, coupled with more intuitive and poetic learning methodologies. The works presented include, among others, actions which invite the public to participate both in and outside of 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine, videos showing daily forms of sharing in existing communities and photographs that evidence the exchange of popular knowledge as well as relationships concerning and directly with nature. The whole forms a ‘social sculpture’, which may remind us of the feeling that can be found during grassroots sit-ins and marches, where communication with others goes beyond words and finds its fullest expression in the union of bodies. We now face the challenge of dreaming and building, in a joint effort, genuine spaces of critique, desire and transformation, while taking into account not only what brings us together but also what separates us. Why not start from a radical imaginary, or even a tale, if it provides a means to our end?

Entrada actualizada el el 16 mar de 2017

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