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La tierra habla (The Earth Speaks)

Exposición / Galerie Lelong - Nueva York / 528 West 26th Street / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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17 oct de 2019 - 16 nov de 2019

17 oct de 2019

Organizada por:
Galerie Lelong & Co.

Artistas participantes:
Ana Mendieta



Documentos relacionados
pdf Nota de prensa [ENG]

Descripción de la Exposición

Galerie Lelong & Co. is pleased to present a solo exhibition of works from Ana Mendieta titled, La tierra habla (The Earth Speaks). Deeply affected by her exile from Cuba to the United States at just 12 years old, Mendieta made several highly anticipated returns to Cuba two decades later. La tierra habla presents works that Mendieta created during her trips back to the island nation in the early 1980s, as the first exiled artist officially recognized by the Cuban Ministry of Culture to practice within its borders. La tierra habla follows Mendieta’s journey to three different sites in Cuba: Jaruco, Varadero, and Guanabo. Following the completion of her now well-known Silueta Series (1973–80), the artist’s works in Cuba demonstrate an evolving, more sculpturally-inclined practice as well as her increasing comfort with working on a grander scale.

Entrada actualizada el el 09 oct de 2019

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