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It is already tomorrow

Exposición / Kreuzberg Pavillon / Naunynstrasse 53 - Gartenstudio / Berlin, Alemania
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Desde 27 jul de 2013

27 jul de 2013

Organizada por:
Kreuzberg Pavillon

Artistas participantes:
Judith Sönnicken, Mit Borrás, Sebastien Pesot


Descripción de la Exposición

The yearly income of a bank in cold metal numerics on the wall or a hard disk filled with video clips reporting police violence in 15 democratic countries during demonstrations are showing that Mit Borras´attempt is to find new weapons of art by pointing out what´s miserable in apparently immunological processes in nowadays societies. His sculptures, installations, conceptual digital works and sound installations describes both mechanic production and wrecking. The paralyzed condition, between the automatically production of national banners and their burning, can be synthesized and embodied without any reason.


The french author Phillippe Nassif describes in his notes on Post Punk Philosophy, consciousness characters that use their bodily intelligence as a play to interact between simulacrum and authencity. Sébastien Pesot took this for a reason to explore the plasticity of images and meaning departing from his video works. In his installations and performances, he returns bodily aspects formerly limited to the dimensions of a screen into transformed und new coded body parts into society.


Three-dimensional embodiment still applies to be a technical accomplishment in western societies. Bodies seem to be too complex to exist as two-dimensional while the cognition of the fourth-dimension with it´s both spatial and time coordinates alienates western culture with the feeling of death. Departing from sculpture Judith Sönnicken has always been more interested in three-dimensionality rather than objects. Her works explores the relation between physicality and space and the intrinsic tension of matter and void.


Imágenes de la Exposición
It is already tomorrow

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