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Inverted Sky

Exposición / ArtGate Gallery / 520 W 27th St. #101 / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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01 mar de 2012 - 31 mar de 2012

01 mar de 2012

Organizada por:
ArtGate Gallery

Artistas participantes:
Erika Harrsch


Descripción de la Exposición

Erika Harrsch is currently transforming ArtGate Gallery into a laboratory for thought on the joys and challenges that emerge from the intertwining of our lives in one global community. The thought-provoking installations, kites, entomological boxes, and paintings of Inverted Sky create a weave of intersecting perspectives: lives of individuals in nature, scientific calculation, commerce and trade, and questions of global ethics.


Inverted Sky suggests a turning over of conventions and norms. Yet, exactly which inversions will emerge - and from what sources -- remains a question. Harrsch invites each viewer to palpitate and ponder the pathways that are now unfolding for us. She subverts easy stereotypes and leads viewers to the work of questioning, without imposing closure or set answers.


This exhibition includes a whimsical sixteen-foot Dragon Kite, where fabric of spinnaker nylon displays an image of Mao enlarged from fragments of Chinese currency. The Dragon and the US Currency Kites premiering at ArtGate Gallery will fly prodigiously the financial center of Manhattan, at the River-to-River festival, in June of this year.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Erika Harrsch, Sky is not falling, 2012

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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