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I Opened the Curtain to See What Lays Behind

Exposición / carlier / gebauer - Berlin / Markgrafenstraße 67, D-10969 Berlin / Berlin, Alemania
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24 feb de 2024 - 13 abr de 2024

23 feb de 2024 / 18:00h

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
carlier / gebauer

Artistas participantes:
Asta Gröting, Guga Szabzon, Ian Waelder, Joanna Piotrowska, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Laura Lima, Lexia Hachtmann, Lucia Koch, Pakui Hardware , Tiago Tebet

Escultura  Escultura en Berlin  Fotografía  Fotografía en Berlin  Instalación  Instalación en Berlin  Pintura  Pintura en Berlin  Video arte  Video arte en Berlin 


Descripción de la Exposición

carlier | gebauer, Berlin, is pleased to announce the group exhibition, I Opened the Curtain to See What Lays Behind, including works by Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Asta Gröting, Lexia Hachtmann, Pakui Hardware, Laura Lima, Lúcia Koch, Joanna Piotrowska, Guga Szabzon, Tiago Tebet and Ian Waelder. A tableau vivant of enigmas, the group exhibition I Opened the Curtain to See What Lays Behind explores human gestures and their traces, their forms and their meanings. Beyond the gesture itself, where does it lead us? And in what ways do different gestures take shape and meanings and circulate in the spaces between us? They speak of a shared meaning, building a bridge communicating between several entities. And still a gesture can be a sign, a symbol, a form, an invitation, ubiquitous but singular, ephemeral and at the same time bound to the body by which it is produced. Once the hand is removed, the gesture becomes absent, hinting towards a prior intention. The works in the group show propose the idea of art and its making as an absent gesture, a touch that opens but never reveals its meaning entirely. Although seemingly familiar, gestures are nonetheless easily rendered into the absurd, the uncanny, the enigmatic.

Imágenes de la Exposición
© Andrea Rossetti
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