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I Beca Tim Hetherington de Fotografía

Premios / Dotación:

Premio 20.000 Euros

03 sep de 2011 - 15 oct de 2011

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Holanda

Cerrada desde 15-10-2011

Organizada por:
World Press Photo



Descripción del Premio

Para conmemorar la memoria del fotoperiodista y cineasta Tim Hetherington, asesinado el pasado abril en Libia, World Press Photo y Human Rights Watch, de cuyas publicaciones Tim Hetherington era un colaborador habitual, ha creado una beca de fotografía en el marco del prestigioso premio World Press Photo. Estas dos organizaciones reunirán a un distinguido panel de jueces para seleccionar el destinatario de la primera beca anual de Tim Hetherington. La beca anual, por un valor de 20.000 Euros, se otorgará a un fotógrafo para realizar un proyecto ya existente sobre un tema de derechos humanos. Al revisar las solicitudes, los jueces valorarán las cualidades que defininieron la carrera de Tim: el trabajo que funciona en múltiples plataformas y en una variedad de formatos, que cruza las fronteras entre las noticias de última hora y la investigación a más largo plazo, y que demuestra un compromiso moral coherente a las vidas e historias de los sujetos fotográficos. La fecha límite para solicitudes es el 15 de octubre. El Comité de Selección se reunirá en Amsterdam, Países Bajos, y proporcionará una declaración junto con la publicación del nombre del destinatario de la subvención el 5 de noviembre. World Press Photo recibe apoyo de los holandeses Código postal de la Lotería en todo el mundo y es patrocinado por Canon y TNT.



On Saturday, 3 September, during the evening projection program at the Visa pour l?Image photojournalism festival in Perpignan, France, World Press Photo and Human Rights Watch announced that they have set up a joint initiative to honor the late Tim Hetherington. The first recipient of the Tim Hetherington grant will be announced on 5 November.Photojournalist and filmmaker Tim Hetherington was killed when a group of journalists came under fire during fighting between rebels and General Gaddafi?s forces in Misrata, Libya in April 2011. In the same attack, photojournalist Chris Hondros was killed and another colleague, Guy Martin, wounded.Tim?s life came to an abrupt end at the age of 40, but his legacy as a photojournalist and filmmaker is still taking shape. To celebrate Tim?s commitment to finding new ways to tell compelling stories about politics, conflict and the human experience, and to relay these stories to a wide audience, a new grant has been established. The Tim Hetherington Grant is a joint initiative of World Press Photo and Human Rights Watch and has been set up with the support of Tim?s parents, Alastair and Judith Hetherington.In 2008, Tim talked about his mission after his picture of a US soldier was selected the World Press Photo of the Year 2007:?Underpinning my work is a concern with human rights and analyzing political ideas, with thinking about history and politics. It?s also about witnessing, about telling stories. Photography to me is a way of exploring the world, creating narratives, and communicating with as many people as possible?I am interested in working across a broad platform, in both screen based media and the print media.? (Interview in the 2008 World Press Photo yearbook)Grant, applications and selectionWorld Press Photo and Human Rights Watch, for whose publications Tim was a regular contributor, will join a distinguished panel of judges to select the recipient of the first annual Tim Hetherington Grant. The annual grant, worth ? 20.000, will be awarded to a photographer to complete an existing project on a human rights theme.In reviewing the applications, the judges will look for the qualities that defined Tim?s career: work that operates on multiple platforms and in a variety of formats; that crosses boundaries between breaking news and longer-term investigation; and that demonstrates a consistent moral commitment to the lives and stories of the photographic subjects.The deadline for applications is 15 October. The selection committee will convene in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and will provide a statement to accompany the publication of the name of the recipient of the grant on 5 November.For more information and to apply for the Tim Hetherington grant, please please click on the link to the right.World Press Photo receives support from the Dutch Postcode Lottery and is sponsored worldwide by Canon and TNT.ABOUT WORLD PRESS PHOTOWorld Press Photo is committed to supporting and advancing high standards in photojournalism worldwide. We strive to generate wide public interest in and appreciation for the work of photographers and for the free exchange of information. Our activities include organizing an annual contest, exhibitions, the stimulation of photojournalism through educational programs, and creating greater visibility for press photography through a variety of publications.World Press Photo is run as an independent, non-profit organization with its office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where World Press Photo was founded in 1955.For further information, please contact:Ms. Sasja de Bie at World Press Photo, or tel. +31(0)20 676 6096.

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