Exposición en Barcelona, España

Historias interiores

GaleriaZero / Consell de Cent, 282 - bajos / Barcelona, España
24 abr de 2016 - 30 abr de 2016
24 abr de 2016 / 17 h
Cada dia 15 - 20 h
Entrada gratuita
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Descripción de la Exposición
Historias interiores With artworks like windows, like eyes, which offer a view on a story behind it and within it. We make an appeal to your imagination: together we create unique historias. With letters written in imagery to be read now. And with flying castles that are dreamed and now can be explored. All expressed in graphic art (ink, wood, tape), photography and poetry. Wendela Slok Netherlands-based artist Wendela Slok paints and creates graphic work. Her work tells us stories about the building of the Rotterdam Central Railway Station, a series of monotypes and an ode tot the people who built the railway station. Also images of painted letters, to be viewed and read as a new visual language. And images from her her recent book 'Buenos Aires', with impressions of this city and the tango in Bar Sur. See also www.wendelaslok.viewbook.com Marcel Koeleman Netherlands-based artist and poet Marcel Koeleman ... plays with the assumed 100 per cent representation of reality by photography. He creates new realities, out of what his camera sees, to encounter the historias interiores behind them. See also www.wendemarc.nl and www.rotterdamsekunstenaars.nl Works Wendela Slok Series Rotterdam Central Station I followed the building of Rotterdam Central Station standing on platform 8 every day. These monotypes are the result of it and is an ode to the people who built it. Because craftsmanship is beautiful to look at. Work: 70 monotypes, ink on simili japon, 48 x 32 cm (print 28 x 19 cm) and the book Station Rotterdam Central, ISBN 978-90-8759-403-9. Series Letters Letters are always intriguing and they seem to have become a thing from a previous century. Especially written letters. They look poetical now. When you listen to music, you can hear whether it’s happy or sad. Similarly, when you look at the notes on a sheet of music, you can get a feel for its mood. Even it you can’t read sheet music. This serie contains 65 painted letters that are intended to be legible. Sometimes you don’t need many words to understand things. New visual language. Work: 65 letters, watercolors and ink on aquarelle paper, 32 x 25 cm and the book Letters, ISBN 978-90-8759-418-13. And 36 letters black ink on paper, 35 x 27 cm. Series Buenos Aires & Tango in Bar Sur As a flâneur, I wandered through the streets of Buenos Aires. In this serie paintings I have tried to capture the impressions of the tango in Bar Sur in Buenos Aires. The city of Buenos Aires buzzes and comes to life through the people who live there. It's like a heart that beats which I have tried to reflect in the rhythm of my work. ‘Las tardecitas de Buenos Aires tienen ese que se yo, viste (…)’?Horacio Ferrer/Astor Piazolla, Balada para un loco Work: 32 paintings, ink and gesso on paper, 35 x 27 cm and the book Buenos Aires, ISBN 978-90-8759-443-5 Wendela Slok (Netherlands, 1965) paints and creates graphic work. Her work tells us stories about Travel, The Flâneur, The City, Happy Hours and Literature. See also www.wendelaslok.viewbook.com. Works Marcel Koeleman Series Equivalents - 2016 (photography) Alfred Stieglitz, one of the pioneers of modern artistic photography, is an important source of inspiration to me. Man (looking at a Stieglitz Equivalent): Is this a photograph of water? Stieglitz: What difference does it make of what it is a photograph? Man: But is it a photograph of water? Stieglitz: I tell you it does not matter. Man: Well, then, is it a picture of the sky? Stieglitz: It happens to be a picture of the sky. But I cannot understand why that is of any importance. Stieglitz certainly knew what he had achieved in these pictures. Writing about his Equivalents to Hart Crane, he declared: "I know exactly what I have photographed. I know I have done something that has never been done…I also know that there is more of the really abstract in some 'representation' than in most of the dead representations of the so-called abstract so fashionable now'. (in: Hilton Kramer 1982) Series Flying Castles - 2013 (photography) "I do not mean by beauty of form such beauty as that of animals or pictures, which many would suppose to be my meaning; but, says the argument, understand me to mean straight lines and circles, and the plane or solid figures which are formed out of them by turning-lathes and rulers and measures of angles; for these I affirm to be not only relatively beautiful, like other things, but they are eternally and absolutely beautiful, and they have peculiar pleasure, quite unlike the pleasures of scratching." Plato (427-347 BC) Philebus, 51C-51D More recent appearances of these objects, the so-called Flying Castles, have been observed worldwide on distinctive places. Urban Square - 2015 (tape graphic on the floor) FlatSunSet - 2012 (photography) Series The Remembering - 2012 (photography) Marcel Koeleman (Schipluiden Holland, 1961) is graduated in geohydrology, business administration, and art (at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, The Hague, Holland). Apart from working as an artist and an environmental manager, he is doing research in the field of aesthetics and business leadership. More info via: nl.linkedin.com/in/marcelkoeleman (general) www.wendemarc.nl (art and aesthetics research) www. marcelkoeleman.viewbook.com (straight photography) Contact Organization GaleriaZero URL http://www.galeriazero-bcn.com



'Historias Interiores' art exhibition by Wendela Slok & Marcel Koeleman GaleriaZero, Barcelona



Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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