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Exposición / Henrique Faria - New York / 35 East 67th St. 4th Floor / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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24 oct de 2019 - 08 feb de 2020

24 oct de 2019

Organizada por:
Henrique Faria

Artistas participantes:
Humberto Márquez



Descripción de la Exposición

Humberto Márquez is an artist who is little known within the history of Mexican art of the second half of the twentieth century. From the 1950s when he started his career in through 1968, Márquez produced varied bodies of work that resonated with the creative experimentation that was taking place in the artistic sphere, both locally and internationally, during that time. The artist dabbled, for example, in non-figurative painting and sculpture, Mail Art, Visual Poetry and Op Art, and made works that could be characterized as Pop (like Canadá Márquez, 1964 – a replica of a shoebox for the Mexican brand, CANADÁ, made the same year that Warhol presented his Brillo Box {Soap Pads}). With the military training from to his previous stint in the Mexican armed forces, Márquez came to find in art a vehicle for challenging and problematizing the authoritarian tendencies related to his education there. Using abstraction, he blurred the forms of military weapons, and through Mail Art, he aspired to an internationalism that fractured the cult of nationalism and the idea of patriotism.

Entrada actualizada el el 22 oct de 2019

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