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Heroines, Birds and Monsters

Exposición / Amant Foundation / 315 Maujer St. Brooklyn / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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10 jul de 2021 - 31 oct de 2021

10 jul de 2021

Organizada por:
Amant Foundation

Artistas participantes:
Grada Kilomba



Descripción de la Exposición

“Heroines, Birds and Monsters” is the first solo exhibition of Grada Kilomba in the United States, presenting her unique form of storytelling. Working with theory, performance, film, and literature, Kilomba reveals the narratives of the colonial past, giving space to the silenced voices whose traumas are ever present. In her own words: “What if history has not been told properly? What if our history is haunted by cyclical violence precisely because it has not been buried properly?“ Kilomba’s work is showcased across three of Amant’s buildings, transforming them into a theater stage where characters, gestures, words, sounds and props unfold into a hybrid body, exchanging roles and staging a new dramaturgy that traverses geographies and temporalities. “Heroines, Birds and Monsters” is an exhibition that applies a new poetic, theoretical, and political framework to the colonial past, and the ways by which these narratives continue to embed themselves. "Retelling history anew and properly is a necessary ceremony, a political act. Otherwise, history becomes haunted. It repeats itself. It returns intrusively, as fragmented knowledge, interrupting and assaulting our present lives.” –Grada Kilomba. This exhibition is produced by Amant Foundation in partnership with Goethe Institute.

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