Descripción de la Exposición
Guadalupe Maravilla describes his current exhibition at MoMA, Luz y fuerza, as a “space of healing.” Inspired by Mesoamerican myths, Salvadoran traditions, and his experience as a refugee fleeing civil war, Maravilla combines readymade objects with natural and fine-art materials in works that resemble shrines or altars. Five of the sculptures called Disease Throwers on view in Luz y fuerza include gongs. They can be activated by Maravilla or a collaborator, creating an immersive sound-bath with the potential for healing.
While undergoing treatment for cancer, Maravilla was introduced to sound therapy, a healing practice that uses vibrations produced by instruments. Now a trained sound healer, Maravilla regularly holds therapeutic sound baths for undocumented immigrants, cancer patients, and others in need.
Now you can experience Maravilla’s sound baths wherever you are—in both English and Spanish.
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España