Descripción de la Exposición
Aranya Art Center presenta la primera exposición individual en un museo en China de Gabriel Kuri. La muestra reúne cerca de 30 obras realizadas entre 1999 y 2023, incluidas 3 comisiones realizadas para el Aranya Art Center, así como una serie de obras nuevas concebidas para esta ocasión.
Gabriel Kuri es conocido por su destreza, precisión e ingenio a la hora de forjar uniones inesperadas entre distintos materiales. Con objetos encontrados y reutilizados, Kuri dirige sistemáticamente nuestra atención hacia los detritus de lo cotidiano, fácilmente descartados. Colillas de cigarrillos, recibos, topes de puertas y chapas metálicas se convierten en emblemas de la sociedad capitalista y de consumo. Para el artista, no hay materiales estrictamente "naturales"; cada objeto está impregnado de información y significado. Kuri extrae de estos objetos lenguajes codificados y valores ocultos, como el riesgo, la suerte, la especulación y la emergencia, filtrados a través de la lente del comercio y la economía moderna.
Aranya Art Center is pleased to present the first museum exhibition in China by Gabriel Kuri, the acclaimed Mexican-born and Brussels-based artist. The exhibition assembles nearly 30 works made between 1999–2023, including three major commissions produced by Aranya Art Center, as well as a series of new works conceived for this occasion.
A sculptor at heart, Gabriel Kuri (b. 1970) is celebrated for his dexterity, precision, and wit in convincingly forging unexpected unions between diverse materials. From found objects to collected or repurposed items, Kuri consistently directs our attention to the easily neglected detritus of the everyday. Cigarette butts, receipts, doorstops, and metal sheets become emblems of capitalist and consumer society. For the artist, there are no strictly “natural” materials. Every object is imbued with information and signification. Kuri extracts from these items coded meanings and hidden values, such as risk, luck, speculation, and emergency, filtered through the lens of commerce and modern economics.
Materials are converted into forms, reminiscent of and renewing our understandings of art historical movements like Minimalism, Arte Povera, and New Generation Sculpture. Kuri’s artistic strategy employs a system of rational structures and categorization, inspired from such industrial organizational schemes as the directory board, Take-a-Number tickets, punch cards, as well as corporate charts and graphics. Through such an intellectually rigorous approach, the artist strives to comprehend and unearth the inner mechanisms and operating patterns of the real world.
In response to the context of Aranya, a seaside real estate development, a selection of old and new works about seashells, and questions of housing and shelter, has been purposefully included and produced for the exhibition.
This exhibition is organized by Damien Zhang, director of Aranya Art Center and curatorial assistant Wang Jiaming. Special thanks to Sadie Coles HQ.
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