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Feminism is Politics!

Exposición / Pratt Manhattan Gallery / 144 West 14th St. NY 10011 / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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28 sep de 2016 - 23 nov de 2016

27 sep de 2016 / 18:00

Monday–Saturday 11am–6pm, Thursday 11am–8pm

Organizada por:
Pratt Manhattan Gallery

Artistas participantes:
Colectivo Mujeres Públicas , Melanie Cervantes, Regina José Galindo

Correo electrónico


Descripción de la Exposición

Feminism Is Politics! is an inquiry into what is conceptualized by feminists and queer/lesbians in the 21st century as New Feminism. The exhibition features video, performance works and art activism that address the feminist position in action and redefine the notion of "political" within the new millennium's paradigm of uncertainty and precarity. Artists: Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz, Bureau of Melodramatic Research, Melanie Cervantes, Regina José Galindo, Gluklya (Natalia Pershina-Yakimanskaya), Victoria Lomasko, Liza Morozova, Mujeres Públicas, Tanja Ostojić, YES! Association/Föreningen JA!, Anna Zvyagintseva Special events: Tuesday, September 27 Panel discussion at 6:15pm, moderated by Martha Wilson, Founding Director, Franklin Furnace with panelists curator Olga Kopenkina, and artists Tanja Ostojić, Mujeres Públicas and YES! Performance Misplaced Woman? by Tanja Ostojić to follow panel. Exhibition and events are free and open to the public. This exhibition is sponsored in part by the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Culture, the Berlin Senate Chancellery-Cultural Affairs Department, and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Programme for Visual and Applied Artists.

Entrada actualizada el el 14 sep de 2016

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