Descripción de la Exposición
Artists: Karina Aguilera Skvirsky, Amanda Gutiérrez, Esperanza Mayobre, and Simone Couto
Curators: Se habla español (SHE) Noelia Lecue, Maria Alejandra Saenz, Andrea Valencia, Natalia Viera
Female Migrations is a program curated by Se habla español (SHE) that invites four Latin American artists that address the female perspective of migration. The program, a series of four events that will take place at La Nacional, will present site-specific works by Karina Aguilera Skvirsky, Simone Couto, Amanda Gutiérrez, and Esperanza Mayobre.
How does the female gaze experiences migration? How is the journey of men different from the forgotten and visceral experience of migrating as a woman? Female Migrations calls attention to the historic dismissed role and view of women in this current and dire issue, through the personal experiences and artistic practices of the invited artists.
August 7th - Esperanza Mayobre. Domingo familiar (It’s not Sunday, but can you play domino with me?). Gathering
Mayobre addresses Venezuela’s migration crisis by opening a space for togetherness. She recreates home inviting the public to play dominoes in a familiar setting recalling her aunt's experience as a domino champion. Rather than confrontation, Mayobre seeks an environment that allows sharing, humor, and relief to humanize the current crisis.
Esperanza Mayobre (Venezuela) is a Brooklyn-based artist that grew up in Caracas, Venezuela. She is a recipient of the Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship, Lower East Side Printshop Keyholder Residency, International Studio and Curatorial Program, Smack Mellon Studio Program, the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Workspace, and the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. She has exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; La Caja Centro Cultural Chacao; The Bronx Museum of the Arts; Queens Museum; MIT; BRIC; Art Museum of the Americas; Museum of Art of El Salvador; and Museo Sívori. Her work has been featured in Artishock, Bomb, The Brooklyn Rail, Hyperallergic, Creative Time Reports, and Art in America.
Exposición. El 07 ago de 2019 / Spanish Benevolent Society Gallery (La Nacional) / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
Exposición. El 07 ago de 2019 / Spanish Benevolent Society Gallery (La Nacional) / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
Exposición. El 07 ago de 2019 / Spanish Benevolent Society Gallery (La Nacional) / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Exposición. Desde 28 mar de 2025 / Artium Museoa - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del País Vasco / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España