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Fake news

Exposición / Kurimanzutto out east [ESPACIO CERRADO] / 55 Main St, East Hampton / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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29 jul de 2021 - 08 ago de 2021

29 jul de 2021

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:

Acrílico  Acrílico en New York  Pintura  Pintura en New York 


Descripción de la Exposición

kurimanzutto presents a selection from the most recent series by Wilfredo Prieto, Fake News. The series is comprised of paintings that were the result of a rigorous daily exercise entailing the artist’s close read of the national and international news. He then interpreted the information (or misinformation) of that mornings’ media through painting, titling each with the headline that it was in response to. The process transformed the news into pictorial abstractions, whereby one representation of reality is translated into another. Prieto’s methodology of Fake News, exalts the plasticity of information and consciously emphasizes the process of perception in which information is reinterpreted into its own form, a new code. This game invites us to question the consensuses that we have assumed as truths before accepting lies - false information we have allowed our emotional rather than intellectual selves to internalize as truth.

Entrada actualizada el el 20 dic de 2021

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