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Every Body Knows

Exposición / Invaliden 1 Gallery / Schönleinstraße, 25 / Berlin, Alemania
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27 jun de 2013 - 31 jul de 2013

27 jun de 2013

Organizada por:
Invaliden 1 Gallery

Artistas participantes:
Nicolás Robbio


Descripción de la Exposición

invaliden1 Galerie presents the third exhibition of the São Paulo based Argentinian artist Nicolas Robbio.


The work of Nicolás Robbio seeks, through lines, cuts and superposition, to bring new meanings to the structure of ordinary objects. Everything is bi-dimensional: schemes, outlines and empty spaces form an endless repertoire of 'notes on everyday objects'. Robbio's notepads are sequences of drawings, generally composed by simple lines, superposition of transparencies and schematic cuts of objects that contain or are contained. Whether by the accumulation of transparencies or by the subtraction of parts, Robbio's drawings are always simple and synthetic; their complexity lay in the endless attempt of building more with less.


Nicolás Robbio was awarded with the following prizes; 1st Award (Art Fair), Just Madrid, invaliden1 Galerie, 2012; Award/Residence Paradoxos Rumos Itaú Cultural /International Studio Program, 2006; Bienal Regional Museu de Arte Contemporâneo de Bahia Blanca, Argentina (Acquisition Award). International Studio Program Bethanien Kunsthaus. Bethanien Kunsthaus. Berlin, Germany, 2007.


Robbio's work is represented in several public collections such as: Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM-SP), Brasil; Fundação Serralves (Porto, Portugal); Colchester Firstsite (Colchester,England); amongst others.


His work is also represented in private collections such as: Deutsch Bank NY (New York,USA); Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (Miami, USA).


Nicolás Robbio was born in Mar de Plata, Argentina, 1975. Lives and works in São Paulo, Brasil.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Nicolás Robbio

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