Exposición en Lisboa, Portugal

Estilo Queen Anne

Galería Baginski / Rua Capitão Leitão, 51 - 53. 1950-050 / Lisboa, Portugal
21 sep de 2011 - 05 nov de 2011
21 sep de 2011
Organizada por:
Artistas participantes:
Descripción de la Exposición

Baginski, Galeria/ Projectos is thrilled to announce and invite you to the first solo show at the gallery by Ana Vidigal, September 21 of 2011, at 10p.m.


Occupying both exhibition rooms of the gallery, the artist presents a new series of works which will surprise you by the maturity of reconciling two sides of her work: painting in its most classical sense and the 'parallel works' of a more experimental nature.


The sense of humor present in the titles and language games transmits or confuses the meaning of the work and offers several readings to the observer. The same happens with the use of color, as a structural element, and with the introduction of an ambiguity between kitsch and the 'so-called' erudite culture. The text collecting and the assemblage as intervention elements are ... becoming more and more evident.


In this show, the artist puts us in front of a visual challenge (and obviously also a mental one), joining pop culture with graphic elements of strong visual impact.


It remains the ambiguity of what Vidigal means with 'Estilo Queen Anne' (Queen Anne' Style)...




Biographic note about the artist:


Ana Vidigal was born in Lisbon, in 1960, were she lives and works.


She graduated in Painting in Escola Superior de Belas-Artes de Lisboa, in 1984, and won a scholarship from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (1985/1987).


In September 2011, she exhibits her first solo show, 'Estilo Queen Anne', in Baginski, Galeria/Projectos, Lisbon. In the same year she participates in the initiative Novos Olhares- Novos Projectos (New Looks - New Projects), in Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea (Museu do Chiado), with the exhibition 'the brain is deeper than the sea', curated by Adelaide Ginga. She also participates in the celebration of the centenary of Instituto Superior Técnico. In 2010, Ana Vidigal opens her anthological show, 'Menina Limpa - Menina Suja', in the Modern Art Centre/Calouste Gulbenkian's Foudation, Lisbon, curated by Isabel Carlos. In 2009, she joins the 9th Sharjah Biennial, also curated by Isabel Carlos.


In 1995 and 2002, Vidigal was invited by the Lisbon Metro to create tile panels for Alvalade and Alfornelos' station, respectively. In 1997, by invitation of Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico, she created a porcelain cup for the project 'Um Artista, um Monumento'.




Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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