Descripción de la Exposición
Contrast gallery presents the exhibition ESTATAMBESTAT / ESTACONTRAESTAT by the artist Xavier G-Solís from November 5 to December 5, 2020. The exhibition complements the artist's exhibition in Vilafranca del Penedés at the Sala dels Trinitaris, which opened on December 1 October 2020.
The artist proposes a macro exhibition with the same concept: the abuse of power.
The show was scheduled for the month of April, but it had to be postponed due to the state of alarm that was decreed because of the pandemic. The objective of this exhibition, according to the gallery director, Víctor Castañeda: "To leave a mark as a record of those moments of social and political upheaval that are experienced in a Barcelona - Catalonia - of the end of the second decade of the 21st century between dependencies, independences and pandemics. " In the artist's words: "I work with ghosts in the psychoanalytic sense, that is, with internal conflicts, fears and tensions. In this exhibition there are collective ghosts, but also personal ones."
The exhibition is made up of different artistic elements ranging from video creation, performance, sculpture, installation, photography and engraving. Two large-format art installations stand out, as well as a selection of works that were part of the retrospective entitled Why Shoes? at the Musée International de la Chaussure, Romans, France which took place in 2015. In addition, from the photographic piece The Dog a reinterpretation of Goya's masterpiece and the series of MICRODYNAMICS engravings that he has rediscovered during confinement. All of them have as their backbone the symbolic use of the used shoe with which they present the oppression and inequalities of the contemporary world.
The shoe is a very personal element that expresses very well who we are and what the artist is most interested in is that they are widely used because the personality and the biography that has traveled with them is printed on the shoes. This allows you to get a taste of the inner wear we have experienced the shoe, that is, the person. When he began to work on this concept, he asked for used shoes through cards that he distributed in contemporary art centers. Nowadays, he gets shoes everywhere, sent by artists, friends, writers and acquaintances.
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