Descripción de la Exposición
In "Esencia: Artefacto", Peruvian artist José Carlos Martinat delves into the nuanced intersections oftechnology, politics, and human existence, continuing his exploration of how machines, objects, andsystems influence culture. His work transforms everyday artifacts into complex, multilayeredcommentaries on societal mechanisms and the essence of being.
A striking centerpiece of this body of work is a mechanical bed, coated in ayahuasca powder andyampo—organic materials known for their healing properties. White crystals are layered onto the bed,expanding the energy of these healing substances. The bed’s movement is choreographed by thegenetic code of the COVID-19 virus, composed of four letters arranged in 33,000 sequences, whichimbue the structure with a sense of life. The bed becomes a living entity, animated by the moleculardata of a virus that has reshaped global realities.
Accompanying this central piece are two textile installations that follow a color system developed bythe artist, dyed with minerals used by curanderos or shamans from the Peruvian Sierra. Theseminerals are traditionally used to treat illnesses such as fear and heart disease. Each dyed thread iscarefully sewn into translucent layers of medical gauze, evoking the appearance of funeral blankets. The absence of figurative representation in these works aligns with the collective experience ofmourning during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when families were denied the ability to be physicallypresent with their loved ones at the moment of passing.
This body of work in my eyes reflects on the cultural and spiritual dimensions of loss and decay. Inmany traditions, the rituals of transition between life and death demand the presence of the deceased,and their final care serves to transform the last breath into an eternal gesture. The works in Esencia:Artefacto silently speak about a post-apocalyptic, post-pandemic present, in which we have seen aresurrected culture for spiritual practices in the vast spectrum of science and faith.
Through this exhibition, Martinat creates a space for contemplation, healing, and remembrance, wherethe interplay of technology, organic matter, and ritual invites viewers to confront the fragility of life andthe unseen forces shaping our existence.
- Curated by
Dulcina Abreu
Exposición. 18 feb de 2025 - 15 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España