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En la noche

Exposición / Helga de Alvear / Doctor Fourquet, 12 / Madrid, España
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12 sep de 2024 - 16 nov de 2024

12 sep de 2024

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Helga de Alvear

Artistas participantes:
Manuel Quejido Villarejo - Manolo Quejido
Pintura  Pintura en Madrid 


Descripción de la Exposición

A key figure of the new figuration movement from Madrid, Manolo Quejido’s (Seville, 1946) artistic practice is characterized by his vibrant brushstroke and chromatic liveliness, akin to an ironic and provocative attitude, influenced by the languages of Equipo 57, pop art, and by references such as Andy Warhol and David Hockney. Quejido uses this pictorial exercise to analyze the relationship between thought and the creative act, understood as a work of art and as an action that allows for a reflection on the very essence of painting. Galería Helga de Alvear is proud to present En la noche, (In the Night) a selection of works produced between 2016 and 2024; a unique opportunity for the viewer to become acquainted with the artist’s most recent work.

Entrada actualizada el el 10 sep de 2024

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