Exposición en Valencia, España


Monochrome Hub VLC. / Avellanas, 3 / Valencia, España
17 jun de 2019 - 30 jul de 2019
17 jun de 2019 / 18:00
Entrada gratuita
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Descripción de la Exposición
E#MOTION is a conceptual photography project on which Ivailo Stanev-Álvarez has been working in the past three years. It is a different look and suggestion on some of the most famous and visited tourist and summer destinations in Europe. With its colour and appeal, they have become the stories of many movies, books, a place for festivals and expensive holidays. Through the expressive means of photography, but rather as a graphic artwork, all these places are shown in a series of black and white photographs. They have a different artistic character, ranging from classic and nostalgic effect to something more subtle and interpreting reality. In the La PLAYA series, you will look in a world beyond the colour. These subtle abstractions have the power to convey even more emotion than a full-blown image. Small deviations and blurry borders give the viewer a new way of perceiving the world - more straightforward, more ... powerful. And as we experience the world around us in its full colour, black and white photography in this project is reduced to different shades of grey that will take you back in time. These Monochrome prints give a less realistic picture of places or completely avoid reality - E#MOTION!


Imágenes de la Exposición
E#Motion-1-Ivailo Stanev-Álvarez

Entrada actualizada el el 19 sep de 2019

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