Exposición en Sevilla, España

El libro en espíritu

Artágora Galería Virtual / Antonio Buero Vallejo, 1 / Sevilla, España
13 dic de 2013 - 13 ene de 2014
13 dic de 2013
Organizada por:
Artistas participantes:
Descripción de la Exposición
Cinco libros únicos, hechos a mano, poemáticos, estampados en xilografía aguada, la técnica más antigua del grabado, sobre tela típica de Taiwán y cosidos con hilo de algodón 100%.



Chia yu?J.C.? Chang PhD. Of Fine Arts

l Professor, Graduate Institute of Visual Arts, Department of Fine Arts, National ChiaYi University, Taiwan?2013 ~?Full-time

l Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Visual Arts, Department of Fine Arts, National ChiaYi University, Taiwan?2004 ~?Full-time

l Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Visual Arts, Department of Fine Art, National Chiayi University, Taiwan?1999 ~2004?Full-time

l Associate Professor, School of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Art, Taipei National University of the Arts,?2006 ~ ?Part-time

l Assistant Professor, Department of Art Education,National Taichung University?1999 ~ 2001?Part-time


l PhD. in Fine Arts, in college of ... Fine Arts, University of Sevilla, Spain?1994 ~ 1999?

l Master of Printmaking & Design, in college of Fine Arts, University of Sevilla, Spain?1992 ~ 1994?

l Bachelor of Fine Art in college of Fine Arts?University of Sevilla, Spain?1990 ~ 1992?


Printmaking, History of Printmaking, Contemporary Art, Printing in Ceramics, Hand-made Paper and Books

Books Publish?

2001. ?The Creative of Printmaking Arts??Taipei?National Taiwan Arts Education Institute, PP.150,. ISBN : 957-02-7981-8, GPN : 1009000579

2007. ?The Intaglio and Collagraph with diverse medium to discuss the create ??Taipei?National Institute for Compilation and Translation, PP.115, 2007. ISBN : 978-986-01-0192-8 GPN:1009601722

2009. ?Home ? Discourse on Creation of Silk Screen and Ceramic Printmaking?, Taipei? Kaun Tang International Publications Ltd. PP. 128, ISBN : 978-957-2061-82-4

- 2013 ?Poetry & Window Views by Chia-yu Chang discuss ?, Taiwan?Hua-ping Publications Ltd. ISBN:978-957-41-9886-3

Catalogue Publish?

- 2002. ?The dialogue between the Printmaking and the Space?, Hsinchu?National Chiao Tung University.

- 2005.?Chang Chia-yu Printmaking Selection 1994 ~ 2005?, Chia Yi?National Chia Yi University. ISBN : 957-01-7932-5

- 2009.?2009 Selection, Chang Chia-yu?,Chia Yi?National Chia Yi University. ISBN :978-986-01-8071-8

- 2009.?Home ? Creation of Silk Screen and Ceramic Printmaking by Chia-yu Chang?, Taipei?Kaun-Tang Internationl Publications Ltd. ISBN:978-957-2061-83-1

- 2013 ?Poetry & Window Views by Chia-yu Chang?, Taiwan?Hua-ping Publications Ltd. ISBN:978-957-41-9887-0


? First Award of Printmaking in the XII Plastic Arts Contest ? Villa de Rota?, Spain, 1995.

? First Award of Printmaking in the IV National Premium of plastic arts, the University of Sevilla, Spain, 1998 .

? Select in the Art Contest of Engraving for Creative Youths of National Chalcography, Spain, 1996 .

? Select in the XIV Biennial of International of Printmaking in IBIZA, Spain, 1996 .

? Select in the I Annual Contemporary International Exposition of Printmaking in Malaysia, 1996 .

? Select in the Dissete Mini Print International of Cadaques, Spain, 1997 .

? Select in the IV Biennial International of Printmaking in XATIVA, Spain, 1997 .

? Select in VI National Chalcography Contest, Spain, 1998 .

? Select III in the I Annual Contemporary International Exposition of Printmaking in Malaysia, 1998 .

? Select in the X Biennial International of Printmaking & Drawing in Taiwan, Taiwan, 2001 .

? The Lecture Recognition Award of 2003, National Chiayi University

? Select in the XI Biennial International of Printmaking & Drawing in Taiwan, Taiwan, 2003

? Select in the XIII Biennial International of Printmaking in Taiwan, Taiwan, 2008

? The Excellent Tutor Award of 2007, National Chiayi University

? Select in the II Biennial International of Printmaking in Valladolid 2009, Spain

? Select in the II Biennial International of Printmaking in Quan-lan 2009, China

Exhibition Important?

14 - Solo Exhibition ?1992~2013?



Imágenes de la Exposición
Chia Yu Chang

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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