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Eco+graphy (Human & Environment)

Exposición / Ulsan Culture Art Center / Corea del Sur
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30 ago de 2012 - 09 sep de 2012

30 ago de 2012

Organizada por:
Ulsan Culture Art Center



Descripción de la Exposición

Exposición principal del Ulsan International Photo Festival 2012, compuesta por las obras de Lennette Newell (EE.UU.), Gao Brothers (China), Oleg Dou (Rusia), Manuel Mesa Delgado (España), Thomas Devaux (Francia), Kirsty Mitchell (Reino Unido), Jordi Bernado (España), Jure Kravanja (Eslovenia), Marrhias H. Risse (Alemania), Masahiro Oku (Japón), Santi González (España), Xuezhe Shen (China), Miru Kim (Corea), Siyoung Kim (Corea), Nam-Hun Sung (Corea), Hyun-Rim Shin (Corea), Kang Jung (Corea) y Yong-Gyu Kim (Corea).



Ulsan International Photo Festival that is an International Photo Exhibition initiated by Ulsan Daily Newspaper with theme of Environment, marks the 4th anniversary Opening Ceremony on Aug. 30, 2012 in Ulsan Culture Art Center and Gallery wood.


As Environment is a very important core of human beings in 21st century, It is impossible for Ulsan, repre-senting for great industrial cities, to initiate International Photo Exhibition with a particular theme, 'Environ-ment' unless it loves human beings and arts. As a result, Ulsan International Photo Festival has established its own identity which can be rarely found in worldly famous exhibitions, enlarging its exhibition boundaries different from others with steady growth.


< Eco + graphy > is the title of 2012 Ulsan International Photo festival and it is a newly created compound word which means environmentalism 'Eco' and 'Photography'. Arts had existed in history for the satisfaction of only artists and certain nobles. However, the current arts are loved and interested by more and more so-cial stratum who can enjoy, who want to enjoy, and who have to enjoy them as much as popular arts. Ac-cordingly, the art forms have been changed so variously and it comes true that all human beings in great global village can enjoy campfire through social network.


Ulsan International Photo festival, like social enterprises which guarantee people's material stabil-ity, is aimed to fulfill people with spiritual prosperity, cultural desires and to extend artistic contribution to so-ciety for human beings through the cooperation with famous artists in the world creating new works for the Festival. However, our artistic target is not to combine photo art in environmental issue but to see environ-mental issue in photo art, and it means a unique artistic movement that is different from people's general preconception against the real meaning of environment photo exhibition.


Environment means not only natural destruction caused by human cultural development but also spiritual poverty impoverished by social development which is shown by high suicide rate in modern society. Conse-quently, any art theme has not been created out of material and spiritual world and Contemporary Art is showing the trend of art works in closer connection with modern people's spiritual world.


<Eco+graphy> Exhibition represents brilliant photo works of top class artists in the world and photog-raphers whose activities are highlighted by their unique concept - as derived from the theory of Professor Carolyn Merchant as Ecofeminist Philosopher and Historian - that are displayed in three fields consisted of 'Deep Ecography ' pursuing variety & Co-existence with nature, 'Spiritual Ecography ' admiring nature and 'Social Ecography' requiring social innovation.


'Art is Art'. Art should be able enough to attract the viewers into aesthetic impression, while any subject for photography is unable to find an echo viewer's sympathy without objective beauty. 2012 Ulsan International Photo Festival would present viewers with small gallery which includes soulful spirits with specific expres-sions and photographic storytelling expressed through the invited master pieces.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Santi González

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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