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Dreaming of Spilliaert

Exposición / Stichting d'Ouwe Kerke / Dorpsstraat 16 / Holanda, El Beni, Bolivia
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27 jul de 2024 - 11 ago de 2024

27 jul de 2024

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Mendes Wood DM, Stichting d'Ouwe Kerke

Artistas participantes:
Adriano Costa, Antônio Obá, Lucas Arruda, Patrícia Leite, Paula Siebra, Paulo José Nimer Abilel - Pjota, Varda Caivano


Descripción de la Exposición

Artistas: Lucas Arruda, Kasper Bosmans, Varda Caivano, Guglielmo Castelli, Adriano Costa, Lewis Hammond, Vojtěch Kovařík, Mimi Lauter, Patricia Leite, Paulo Nimer Pjota, Antonio Obá, Giangiacomo Rossetti, Maaike Schoorel, Paula Siebra, Léon Spilliaert, Pol Taburet. "In Dreaming of Spilliaert" Mendes Wood DM presents several astonishing works by Léon Spilliaert (b.1881, Ostend, Belgium; d.1946, Brussels) in combination with no less than fifteen living artists. Exhibited in a 17th-century deconsecrated church in Retranchement, only a few miles away from the North Sea, this transhistorical presentation allows for a multifaceted reading of the artworks on view. Few Belgian artists remain as ambiguous yet influential as Léon Spilliaert. Today widely recognized for his ominous sea- and landscapes, enigmatic self-portraits and sinister nocturnal scenes, the idiosyncratic artist holds a unique position in the Belgian and international art world. The accumulation of symbolist, romantic and expressionist tendencies into a single body of work resists any singular categorization and vividly highlights an existential, yet universal, reflection. The artistic attitude and themes of Spilliaert serve as a reference for the contemporary artists in Dreaming of Spilliaert and can offer a valid point of entry for the reading of their work. – Jef Declercq

Entrada actualizada el el 29 jul de 2024

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