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do it (outside)

Exposición / Socrates Sculpture Park / 32-01 Vernon Boulevard at Broadway / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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12 may de 2013 - 07 jul de 2013

12 may de 2013

Comisariada por:
Hans Ulrich Obrist

Organizada por:
Socrates Sculpture Park



Descripción de la Exposición

Artistas: Robert Ashley, Darren Bader, Nairy Baghramian, John Baldessari, Yto Barrada, Robert Barry, Jerome Bel, Mel Bochner, Minerva Cuevas, Tacita Dean, Elmgreen & Dragset, Tracey Emin, William Forsythe, Paul-Armand Gette, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Douglas Gordon, Konstantin Grcic, Anna Halprin, Cristina Iglesias, Koo Jeong-A, Joan Jonas, Ilya Kabakov, Mike Kelley, Alison Knowles, Suzanne Lacy, Adriana Lara, Bertrand Lavier, Xavier Le Roy, Sol LeWitt, Lucy Lippard, Anibal Lopez, David Lynch, Christian Marclay, Enzo Mari, Paul McCarthy, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Ernesto Neto, Rivane Neuenschwander, Albert Oehlen, Yoko Ono, Clifford Owens, Lygia Pape, Nicolas Paris, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Cedric Price, Tobias Rehberger, Pedro Reyes, Martha Rosler, Eszter Salamon, Tomas Saraceno, Peter Saville, Kazuyo Sejima,. Shimabuku, Gabriel Sierra, Andreas Slominski, Michael Smith, Nancy Spero, Hugo Suter, Anton Vidokle, Hannah Weinberger, Ai Weiwei, Franz West, Erwin Wurm.



In collaboration with Independent Curators International (ICI), Socrates Sculpture Park presents do it (outside), an exhibition conceived of and curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist. With historical antecedents in Dada and Fluxus, do it (outside) is a selection of artists' instructions interpreted by other artists, performers, community groups, and the public. In the last 20 years, versions of do it have been presented in over 50 venues worldwide, giving new meaning to the concept of the 'Exhibition in Progress.' do it (outside) at Socrates Sculpture Park will be the first presentation of the exhibition in New York City and the first to be presented completely outdoors in a public art venue.


The instructions and resulting works will be presented in and around a site-specific design by Christoff: Finio Architecture, the NY-based architecture and design studio of Taryn Christoff and Martin Finio. Their design includes 587 linear feet of sidewalk bridge that stretches across the grounds to create a pergola, corridor and courtyard within the park.


The opening of the exhibition on May 12 from 2-6PM coincides with the launch of the publication, do it: the compendium (co-published by Independent Curators International and D.A.P.) from which the instructions presented have been selected. At Socrates, over sixty published artist instructions will be brought into existence by artists, performers, community groups, and the public resulting in installations that range from the explicitly sculptural, to the performative, to the poetic or absurd. At the opening, more than a dozen performing artists selected by the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture will interpret more than 20 instructions throughout the day.


This 20th-anniversary show premieres a significant number of new instructions along with those from the first do it experiments. Artists' instructions presented at Socrates Sculpture Park will include the artists listed above (click on the artist's name to view their instruction), and have been interpreted by:


Korakrit Arunanondchai, Jesus Benavente, Jane Benson & Ajay Kurian, Strauss Bourque-LaFrance, Daniel Bozhkov, Christoff: Finio Architecture, Alison Dell & Rob Swainston, Tamar Ettun, Rachel Fainter, Cathy Fairbanks, Lars Fisk, Luz Flemming, Linda Ganjian, Elissa Goldstone, James Haddrill & Daniel Roberts, Charles Harlan, Rachel Higgins, Chelsea Knight & Jonathan VanDyke, Kat Kohl, Rainy Lehrman, Shaun Leonardo, Marie Lorenz, Katie Mangiardi, Julie Ann Nagle, Rhiannon Platt, Jory Rabinovitz, Birgit Rathsmann, Grayson Revoir, Andrew Ross, Becky Sellinger, Sabrina Shapiro, Nataliya Slinko, Chris Sollars, Jennifer Sullivan, Leonard White, Carmen Winant, Jody Wood, Brian Zegeer, and XXX Coffee, among others.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Grayson Revoir

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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