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Discover the stories behind wind energy

Premios / Dotación:

Premio Primer premio: 1.000 Euros en un vale de Amazon. Cinco segundos premios en vales de 250 Euros cada uno.

04 feb de 2013 - 05 may de 2013

Brussels, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Bélgica

Cerrada desde 05-05-2013

Organizada por:
The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)



Descripción del Premio

GWD 2013 photo competition - 'Discover the stories behind wind energy'




What does wind energy mean for me?


Wind energy is more than a technology. It captures the imagination, inspires, fascinates and captivates. We each have a wind energy story to tell - so why don't you share yours with us?


How can I share my wind energy story?


EWEA and GWEC have organised a photo competition 'Discover the stories behind wind energy'. Its theme is wind energy and the personal stories that can be found behind the technology. It is a competition that combines photography with a short text (no more than 300 words).


We invite you to show us what wind energy means for you - with a photo and by writing down your story.


What could I write about?


You could describe where and how the picture you submitted was taken, explain why you chose that exact moment, motif and technical equipment, tell us what your views on wind energy and your relationship to it are or send us a story, a short piece of literature, even a poem or a song.


You choose how to express yourself.


Tell me more!


The competition is open to all photographers around the world who want to capture images of wind energy from a new perspective and tell the story behind it. Submitted text should not be longer than 300 words.




Date - Action

4 February (at EWEA2013) - Launch of the competition

Until 5 May - Deadline for submissions through website

Until 12 May - Internal pre-selection

Until 19 May - Jury selection

10, 11, 12 or 13 June - Announcement of winner

3 - 17 June - Exhibition in EP




- This competition is open to participants from around the world.

- Participants must be at least 18 years old at time of entry.

- There is no entry fee.

- Each participant can submit a maximum of three images to this contest.

- Employees of EWEA/GWEC, the sponsor and the official media partner are not eligible to take part in the competition, nor are their relatives or members of their families




- Mark Edwards runs the Hard Rain Project, which supports public exhibitions and other communications that campaign for realistic solutions to the interlinked problems of climate change, poverty, the wasteful use of resources, population expansion, habitat destruction and species loss. The winning photo of Wind in Mind will be have a permanent place in the online photo archive at


- Erik Luntang is a photojournalist with Inspririt, based in Belgium. He has more than 20 years of experience working with international news-agencies, newspapers and magazines.


- Simon Bogle, Art Editor, Recharge, the global source for renewable energy news - Robert van Waarden, freelance photographer. The trail of social movements and the human rights and adaptation issues facing the world because of a changing climate has led van Waarden across the planet. His list of publications include National Geographic Traveler, CNN, Canadian Geographic, the United Nations Environment Program, the Quebec Government, the British Council, Editora Globa, Casa Brutus, and numerous other magazines, NGO's and non-profit publications. Van Waarden's images have appeared in exhibits across the globe.


Implementation and technical requirements


- The participants will submit their photo/s and story by uploading through a form provided on the Global Wind Day website

- The competition will be announced and publicised through mass mailings, promotion through our national partners, social media channels as well as photo competition websites (e.g. including paid advertising

- Photos and stories will be displayed in a gallery on that webpage and featured on the GWD page, Facebook etc

- Digital editing is acceptable provided the look and style of the photo remain natural. EWEA has the right to reject any image considered excessively digitally altered. HDR images and stitched panoramas are allowed.

- Uploaded photos should be provided without any borders.

- Uploaded photos must have a minimum of 2000 pixel width or height.

- Submitted photos must be saved as JPEG/RGB, no less than 85% compression.

- Files for upload must be larger than 1 MB and less than 10 MB.

- Submitted text have to be no more than 300 words.


Closing dates


- The deadline for the competition is the 5 May 2013 at 20:00 CET

- Winners will be notified via email or telephone according to the details provided at the time of registration.

- EWEA/GWEC reserves the right to disqualify anyone who, in their opinion, has tampered with or disrupted the entry process or operation of this contest or violated the rules.

- Any content considered by the organisers to be abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar or pornographic will not be accepted.

- If the contest cannot be run as planned for any reason, including technical problems, EWEA/GWEC reserve the right to cancel, curtail, modify or suspend the contest.




After the deadline EWEA/GWEC will do an internal pre-selection providing the jury members not more than 50 pictures and texts to choose an overall winner, as well as regional winners (there will be five regions). The jury has 7 days to make their decision. Each juror makes an individual decision. Ratings from all five jurors will be added to get an overall rating.


Winners and prizes


- First prize - the global winner of the competition will be awarded a voucher with a value of euros 1000 from Amazon (or equivalent in their country, to be agreed with GWEC/EWEA).

- Second prizes - There will be five runners up; one per continent. (Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australasia: in case of geographical dispute, EWEA and GWEC's decision is final). Each continental winner will get a voucher with a value of euros 250 from Amazon (or equivalent in their country, to be agreed with GWEC/EWEA).

- The first prize and continental winners will all have their photographs and texts published in renewable energy newspaper 'Recharge' and / or EWEA magazine 'Wind Directions' and will be displayed in large format in the European Parliament in Brussels. They may also be displayed at other GWD events in other cities. They will also be published online on the Global Wind day website.

- It is possible that there will be additional national winners chosen from the entries. EWEA/GWEC will post information on the competition website on national competitions announced by Global Wind Day national partners.


Copyright and publicity


- Entrants must be the photographer and owner of the copyright for any image entered.

- Entrants must be the author of ay text entered.

- By entering the contest participants grant GWEC, EWEA and the media partner a worldwide non-exclusive license to publish, reproduce, distribute and display the photos and texts in their publications, on their websites and through their social media channels. Photos and texts won't be used for commercial gain. The photos and texts may also be used in marketing material relating to the competition.

- By entering the contest participants grant all Global Wind Day partners (see website a non-exclusive license to reproduce, display and distribute the photos in their publications, on the website and through social media channels in connection only with Global Wind Day and clearly labeled as an entry to the 2012 Global Wind day Photo Competition.

- Participants will always be credited alongside their images and texts.

- EWEA/GWEC reserves the right to disqualify anyone who, in their opinion, has tampered with or disrupted the entry process or operation of this contest or violated the rules. Any content considered by the organisers to be abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar or pornographic will not be accepted.

- If the contest cannot be run as planned for any reason, including technical problems, EWEA/GWEC reserve the right to cancel, curtail, modify or suspend the contest.

- Under no-circumstance will we use submitted images for commercial gain

- All correspondence will be made through the email address and telephone number provided at the time of registration.


Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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