Descripción de la Exposición
"The unexpected is one of the main driving forces in the work of Gonçalo
Barreiros, and this is made self-evident by the title of the exhibition Declaração
Amigável*, his fourth show at the Galeria Vera Cortês. Convoking the particular
universe of car accidents, the show focuses on a rapid sequence of events in which
two strangers are forced to engage in a collaborative effort to register the memory
of a car accident in a document that includes, among other things, two written
descriptions and an original drawing. Stemming from this event, the idea that the
unexpected can also be absurd unfolds into the gallery space."
Actualidad, 11 jul de 2017
#loquehayquever en Portugal: Baginski y Kubik presentan su primera coproducción
Las galería lisboeta Baginski y la portuense Kubik colaboran por primera vez con una muestra conjunta en la que intervienen artistas de ambos espacios.
Exposición. 10 mar de 2025 - 22 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Cambio de forma: Mito y metamorfosis en los dibujos romanos de José de Madrazo
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España