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... daquele que é (des)objeto II

Exposición / FLR - Fundação Leal Rios / Rua do Centro Cultural, 17-B / Lisboa, Portugal
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Desde 26 sep de 2024

26 sep de 2024 / 18 a 22 h.

Comisariada por:
Miguel Leal Rios

Organizada por:
FLR - Fundação Leal Rios

Artistas participantes:
Ana Jotta, Becky Beasley, Carolina Serrano, Diogo Pimentão, Edgar Martins, Fábio Colaço, Helena Almeida, Henrique Pavão, Joana Escoval, John Wood & Paul Harrison , José Pedro Croft, Matt Mullican, Mauro Restiffe, Nikolai Nekh, Paulo Nozolino


Descripción de la Exposición

"«... daquele que é (des)objeto II» does not provide categorical answers about objects, but rather stimulates a continuous reflection process. As the public walks along the exhibition, it is invited to reconsider what defines an object, while exploring the complexities of utility, recognition and meaning, as well as its representation in contemporary art. Through the dialogue between artworks and their own interpretations, each visitor can discover new perspectives, at times ambiguous, regarding the nature of objects and the space they occupy in our understanding of the world." Sara Leichsenring, 2024 ----------------------------------------------------- Artistas: Helena Almeida, Banz & Bowinwel, Gabriel Barcia-Colombo, Becky Beasley, Kryštof Brůha, Rui Chaves, Fábio Colaço, José Pedro Croft, Joana Escoval, Rebekka Friedli, Diogo Gonçalves, Ana Jotta, Edgar Martins, Matt Mullican, Nikolai Nekh, Paulo Nozolino, Henrique Pavão, Diogo Pimentão, Mauro Restiffe, Carolina Serrano y John Wood & Paul Harrison.

Entrada actualizada el el 17 sep de 2024

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